Monday, January 8, 2018

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #Poem #Meeting #Writing #MFRWAuthor

 Meander 1 - Poem Writer

I did not choose this path.
I walk, yet I must go
Along the tortured days of life
Sinking deeper into living
With thoughts of lives not my own.
I take this way with open eyes
And hope to find an ending
If not happy at least satisfactory.

Meander 2 _ Meeting. - On Saturday I met with other members of Hudson Valley RWA. For a bitter cold day, the attendance was good. Eight of us gathered around and talked about out contest, and the plans for our spring retreat. We shared where we were on out writing projects and what good or not so great happened in our writing careers. I read a short scene and received so few comments. Made me happy since the story is now on track.

Meander 3 - Writing. I'm finally back on track with my latest opus, Leo, Aquarius Connection. Yesterday morning, I finished a lengthy scene and neglected to write the last part since I'm not sure how the love scene will go. I'll accomplish that on the next round of work.

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