Monday, August 31, 2020

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWAuthor #BWLAuthor #Reading #Writing #Thoughts

Meander 1 - Reading -- Took a short break from Cherryh's Foreigner series and read two other books for a break in the action, Generation Five byRenee Duke - A YA time travel story that is rather a prequel to the rest of the series. Enjoyed the book a lot. Also read Frankenstein in Hamburg - a book in a series by MJ Hamilton. Enjoyed returning to her world and her characters. Between FBI and local police work. A few loose ends from the other books caught up. Back to the regular series reading and waiting for the next Foreigner book. Due to arrive in September.

Meander 2 - Thoughts - Scattered this week. A lot of concern about political things. Sure hope people wise up and see how they're being fooled. Also had to do a bit of thought about driver's license and car registration changed. Reading all one has to go through really sends one into a tizzy. Hopefully soon these things will be settled.

Meander 3 - Writing - Book is on schedule and am working on finding all the places where the chapters need to be expanded. Rough draft ended up around 40,000 words and that's a lit but there are still three drafts to finished so who knows what the final total will be. Am enjoying the writing and the decision making.

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