Monday, August 10, 2020

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWAuthor #BWLAuthor #Reading #Writing #Thoughts #Diet

Meander 1 Reading - I've finished the first six books by Cherryh in the Foreigner series and then read Man on Fire byER Yatscoff A very intense and in some ways troubling book but one that kept me turning pages.

Meander 2 Thoughts - Dieting _ I have lost around twelve or a little more pounds since January by very strict dieting. Unfortunately I've reached a plateau and I know if I'm going to lose more to ever reach my goal of around 140 or less, I'm going to have to exercise and that takes some mental pushing on my part but I will do this and start on Monday beginning with short walks building up to longer ones and some exercises to tone my middle. Wish me luck.

Meander 3 - Writing _ Two more chapters to finish the Rough draft of the story. Am up to 30,000 words and still have four chapters to type in. Then the plot draft to finish and then it will be revision time. That's the best part of writing. Did send the CAF off and will wait to see what goes. Will be finished sometime in November and with luck before.

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