Monday, April 27, 2020

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWAUthor #BWLAuthor #Reading #Writing #Shopping

Meander 1 - Finished reading my own books and am eagerly awaiting the time to start writing four fantasies. Am now reading Marilyn Meredith's Rocky Bluff series. They are really nice police procedure stories and are filled iwth interesting and some nasty characters as well as some great ones.

Meander 2 _ Shopping - Lately, my granddaughter has taken over doing the grocery shopping. There are some things I must do. The first is to make sure everything is on the shopping list. If not she has to return to the store. The other thing is to make sure my phone is free. During the expedition, there are a few phone calls, "What kind of lettuce do you want?" "They don't have that kind of cheese. What should I get?" "There never is any toilet paper." "The soda was three cases on sale? Should I do the sale?" And so it goes. I guess that would be called keeping connected.

Meander 3 - Writing. = Am almost ready to start the last re-write of the current book. Then all that will be left is the revision section. Then I can start something new.

My Places

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