Monday, November 11, 2019

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWAuthor #BWLAuthor #Coffee Grounds #Writing

Meander 1  Poem -- Coffee Grounds

In the morning,
I always wanted hot coffee.
You never did.
For twenty years I drank alone,
Filled my mug with fresh perked brew.
You stayed in bed until I called.
Blotting my fragrant coffee beans.
Our marriage simmered on the stove,
A tiny flame of twenty years,
Oils and essences losing strength,
Turning bitter in the pot
Until today
I emptied the grounds.

Meander 2 - Doctor's Appointment - Had to take my husband to a gastrointerologist yesterday. He ahd a problem for one such doctor. When we arrived papers had to be filled out. Then we waited. Finally we saw, not the doctor but a nurse practitioner. I thought this was great. My son wondered why we didn't see the doctor. I tried to explain that what was bothering his father while important could have been treated by anyone who could write a prescription.

Meander 3 Writing -- Four chapters and a few hundred words on a fifth and I will be done with the chrrent project. Soon I'll need to start planning the next. I saw a question on Twitter that made me wonder. Do I keep pouring out books and not concentrating on the Great American novel. I don't think so. There are these people I know in my head who think people might enjoy reading their story.

My Places

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