Join the authors at #MFRWHooks Here http://mfrwbookhooks.blogspot.com For some great excerpts. Mine is found at http:wwweclecticwriter.blogspot.com Mine features a Cancer heroine and a Taurus hero
When Maria and a child she says is his arrives on Jay’s doorsteps, he is in the middle of composing a musical. Though the four year old has his eyes, Jay can’t be sure this isn’t a scam. He believes his dead wife took steps to rid herself of the child. A need for his assistance to help with childcare while she works is Maria’s reason for arriving in Fern Lake. She also believes her nephew should know his father. Can Jay accept and learn to love his child and deal with the attraction to a woman who physically looks like his dead wife? Can Maria deal with his trust issues and a threat from her own family?

Twenty minutes later with only one wrong turn, she pulled into the
U-shaped driveway leading to a huge house at the top of the rise. She rehearsed
what she planned to say when she saw Jamie’s father. She swallowed against a
lump in her throat. How would he react when she handed him the folder with her
reasons for being in Fern
Lake ?
“Is that the house?” Jamie pointed up the hill. “Looks like a castle.”
She agreed. The gray stone building rose three stories above the ground. Shrubbery
lined both sides of the driveway. She turned in her seat and winked at her
nephew. “Maybe we’ll meet a prince.” Or an ogre, she added silently.
“Don’t want to stay here. Want to live with you.”
His shrill voice fear that she needed to change. She touched his hand.
“You will. I’m your guardian.” Except for the widened emerald green eyes, he
looked like his mother without her selfish nature. “We need your dad’s help to
pay for your pre-school while I work.”
Maria hoped for more than financial aid but she couldn’t tell Jamie she
wanted his father in his life. Jamie needed a man, someone more honorable than
her brother. She wanted Jay Lockley to spend time with his son. She’d always
thought not looking for him had been unfair but she’d been unable to fight her
mother and start a search in the days after the accident. Then, college had
absorbed her time. Would the man understand?
Maria sighed. If Jay Lockley spent time with Jamie, she could focus on
her new career. Was she selfish to want time for herself? Since her sister’s
death, Jamie had been her responsibility. And her joy. Though her mother had
watched her grandson while Maria attended college and worked, most of her spare
time had been spent with the child.
Drawing a deep breath filled with hope and determination, she put the
sedan in gear and followed the driveway to the circle at the top where she
parked. Would the man living here spend time with Jamie? Sometimes, the burden
felt as heavy as holding the world on her shoulders.
Anger at herself bubbled like mud in a hot spring. Don’t think that way.
Jamie was her delight. Bright, curious and in need of more than she could
Thoughts of her brother’s greed and habit of taking more than his share
arose. Her hands curled into fists. Carlo had claimed two thirds of the money
from the sale of the house.
My Places
Buy Mark
I get the impression Daddy doesn't know she's coming with his son. He's in for a wee bit of a surprise!
That's a long time to wait to tell a man he has a child. I'm curious how he'll react. It's sure to be interesting!
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