Monday, August 5, 2019

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWAuthor #BWLPublishing #Poem #Writing #Anger

Meander 1 - Poem -- Sunlight --

Dappled raysof sunlight
Fill my little room.
Bringing cheer and brightness
To light the daily gloom.

Meander 2 - Anger --  Twice in one day. Two mass murders. Two bits of terrorism. What do we do. Nothing and that makes me angry. I really can't express what this does to the people around me. Something has to break but those in charge express pity and prayers. Will there never be any action?
Unfortunately I very much anything will change.

Meander 3  - Writing -  The quest to finish the rough draft continues. Five chapters to block in and then I can see what will turn these pages into a book. There are side trips I may need to expand or to cut. There are settings to bring into the story. There are characters to vitalize before the story becomes a book

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