Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Tuesday's Writer's Tip -Checklist for Using Mood to Perk Up your story Janet Lane Walthers #MFRWAuthor #BWLAuthor #Zumaya #Mood

Check lists are always fun at least for me. So when I'm doing a final revision of my stories, I sit and check what I've done.  Though I cann this draft Words, it's more a general sense of what I've hoped to accomplish with my words.

Have I chosen a proper form. My books generally fall into the comedy form. There may be some elements of tragedy but these do not overwhelm the story. I'm not really a melodrama kind of writer. My characters are more average than those who seem to be epic characters. I envy writers who can create larger than normal characters.

Then I read for atmosphere. My books tend to be light but I have some that tend more to darkness. I try to find ways to turn what could be dark and tragic into something that's brighter, especially since many of my stories have medicine at the base.

Emotional tone is hard and sometimes means re-writing a scene or two to make sure I'm stirring the emotion I want the reader to experience. I try to use humor in some scened to make people laugh. I remember once reading a short story to my critique group and had us all laughing to hard I could barely finish. This was one time when I knew the emotional tone was on target.

The final thing I look at is the masculine or feminine focus of the scene. I often have to look at this very hard. When using a male point of view in a scene, I need to look at the way men act and react. The same goes for a female slanted scene.

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