Visit http://mfrwbookhooks.blogspot.com to find some interesting excerpts and perhaps some new reads. Mind is Horu's Chosen, an alternate Egypt story.
Seth, an undercover cop has been betrayed by his handler. To escape he calls a number on a flyer and is transported to an ancient Egypt he doesn’t understand. He must rescue the Daughter from the evil priests of Aken Re.
Merin is the Daughter. She must find the man who by wedding her will become Pharaoh. She plots to escape the priests of Aken Re and flee to those who years ago saved her life.
Can Seth and Merin find a way to defeat the priests? Is love the answer to their problems? Can they join with the Warrior of Bast and of Horu to bring unity to the Two Lands?
RT Review
Following on the heels of The Warrior of Bast, this story is filled with magic and fascinating characters. Those interested in ancient Egypt will find this an enthralling tale. A satisfying ending is presented for the hero and heroine, with a promising lead-in to the next story.

For a week plus two days Seth became a regular at the
center. As well as martial arts he shot hoops with the younger boys and did his
share of kitchen duty. He listened and watched. He found a spot in the alley
that allowed him to look and listen to Father Joe’s meetings. Slowly he put the
facts together. A few more days and he’d call his handler.
As he crouched at his listening post, Amara waved
frantically. He went to her and saw the fear in her eyes. “What’s wrong?”
“Ramos is here.”
“You sure?”
She nodded. “Saw him and the man who wants me. There’re
with Father Joe. I ran.”
Seth pulled her close. “Avoid the center.”
“What will I do?”
He fingered the flyer he’d carried for weeks. Maybe Tira
had escaped by calling the number. There’d been no sign of her and no reports
of her body being found. If Ramos had her killed, the body would have been
displayed as a warning. He removed the paper. “Don’t know if this means much
but a friend dropped it. She was in danger and has disappeared. If things get
too hot call the number.”
“Be careful.” She darted away.
Seth returned to his listening post. He peered through a
small spot in the grime-coated window. A man slouched in a chair across from
the priest’s desk.
“Way I see it, quid pro quo,” the priest said. “I give you
the hotshot undercover cop and you keep away from the center. You and your
“How do you know he’s the one?”
The priest laughed. “Bob Tolena gave me the name.”
Seth stiffened. Betrayed not once but twice.
Ramos chuckled. “Why the offer?”
“Better to sacrifice one for the many.”
Seth’s nails bit into his palms. So he was to be the
sacrificial lamb. No way. He wondered how the priest could believe this
would keep the center safe. If Ramos wanted in, he would find a way.
“His name?”
“Seth. Not sure that’s his real name but he’s here every
morning at the martial arts sessions. He helps with the boys and in the
kitchen. Send a man by in the morning and I’ll identify him.”
“What if he doesn’t show?”
“Then I’ll learn where he’ll be. Bob will tell me. Says
the kid is becoming a liability.”
Seth’s gut tightened. His hands clenched. Damn, trouble
had found him. He straightened and sped down the alley away from the
center. He needed a safe place. He ducked into a doorway and hit a programmed
“How can I help you?” a woman asked.
“Read your message. I need a way out.”
She gave him an address. “When you reach the door, knock
once, wait and knock twice. We’ll be waiting.”
Seth pocketed the phone. He crept from the alley and
caught the first bus to arrive. Several changes later he reached his
destination. As he mounted the steps of the brownstone his cell vibrated. He
checked the number. No way would he answer. Let Bob Tolena and the priest
wonder and worry. He dropped the phone and crushed it with his heel. Then
he knocked in the sequence he’d been given.
The door opened to reveal an elderly woman with dark eyes
and steel-gray hair. “How can I help you?”
Though Seth felt foolish he recalled the words he’d read
on the flyer. “Need an escape. The answer is in my stars.”
She moved aside for enough for him to enter and led him
down a hall where bright photographs caught his attention. He paused before one
showing a hawk soaring over golden sand. He touched the bird with a finger.
“So that’s the one to interest you. Why?”
“The hawk is free.”
“And you?”
“Trapped and betrayed. I must escape.” Or at least hide
here until I can come up with a plan.
I like how he recognizes the mirror image of himself in the photo of the hawk.
Sounds so suspenseful! Love the excerpt!
Wow - the connection with the hawk is great.
I always enjoy your plot twists. This one sounds really good!
This sounds exciting. I like the time travel element.
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