Monday, November 21, 2011

21 November - Contest - Week behind and week ahead

Again the contest rules. Starting on December 1st one copy of each of the books listed yesterday will be given away. If more than one person selects a particular book another one will be substituted. Th enter.
1. Visit the blog.
2. Leave a comment with how to reach you - email is enough.
3. If one of the books tickles your fance, mention it.
4. A drawing will be held each day of the contest until the last of the 27 books are awarded.
5. Books will be sent to US and Canadian posters.

Last week was a busy one and I'm now 75% done with The Chosen of Horu. Makes one feel good to know the end is in sight and I can now start to think of the next project. A S. Sedcution. Now to discover the title. I'll spend time with the Thesarus to come up with one. Know the hero but the heroine hasn't revealed herself yet. But that's for the future. Attended a meeting of NJRW. Quite different from HVRWA. More formal and have much more going on but they have many members. Am considering joining them but I'm not sure how many meetings I could attend since Saturdays are no car days for me.

This week is Thanksgiving so I'm not sure how much I'll finish but I'll keep plugging. Would like to finish this draft so I can see where I am as to reaching the end of the book.

Can's come up with a new peeve this week. Just thinking about how some people believe if they can take something that's on the internet and share it with whoever they please or even earn money from the work of others is totally wrong. Thieves of intellectual property should be made to pay.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Please, enter me in the contest.