Monday, January 30, 2023

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Reading #Writing #Thoughts

Meander 1 - Reading - Finished most of Anne Perry's Pitt series. Have a few more to buy but i need to figure what ones I already have. Then I read two Regencies. Both were cute and well-written. Am working on reading a book by an acquaintance Nancy Harkneww.  Interesting premise and good writing.

Meander 2 - Thoughts - Muddled these days. With this respiratory problem becoming chronic and who knows what causes the problem. See the kidney doctor in a few days and hope she has some ideas. Also political thoughts aren't really muddled byt are those I find stupid. These new Committees and creatures assigned to them by the Repubs sound silly and yet dangerous. Also nothing has been done about the elected con artist who is a bigger one that the one who lost the election. Why let him slide and things that are coming about about the NY lady who was pushing him and how she knew some thing about his cons makes me wonder about her.

Meander 3 - Writing - Goes slowly since sitting at the computer does take energy. But I will prevail. 


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