![Heart Throb by [Walters, Janet Lane]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51aOumo5pqL.jpg)
Join the authors at #MFRWHooks here http://mfrwbookhooks.blogspot.com for some great reads. Mine is a spicy medical romance.
Magda Malone likes men and has no desire to marry. She’s been there, done that and got burned. She’s happy with her position as coordinator of the cardiac unit at the hospital. A new neighbor promises many nights of steamy sex. Damon also has no desire for marriage. He had too many steps as a child and sees marriage as a serial sort of game. He doesn’t want to play. When Magda learns he’s a cardiologist, she blows him off. The problem is Damon has fallen in love and he must convince Magda there’s more between them than sex.
This was the first book I've read by Janet Lane Walters, but it definitely won't be my last. As you can see the cover is eye-catching and the story did not disappoint. Heart Throbs is steamy, exciting, enjoyable and entertaining. .

Magda Malone jammed her hands in the pockets of her white
lab coat and felt the fabric tear. Just what she needed to add a touch of anger
to her friend’s sly request. Hadn’t he heard her resounding refusal?
Her jaw clenched and she felt her teeth grind. The
temptation to commit an act of violence hovered like a massive thundercloud.
She stared out the window of her fifth floor office at Riverview Memorial and
shoved her anger into a corner of her mind. The hospital didn’t need the
Cardiac Units supervisor to ignite, especially over a personal matter.
Sucking in a deep breath along with a quick count to ten she
turned to her colleague and friend. At the moment she wasn’t sure friend was
operative. “Repeat your question. I’m not sure I heard you?”
“Would you join us for dinner tonight?” the cardiologist
“That’s not the part of the original question I want to
hear. Wasn’t there more?”
“Like I said. Nothing formal. It’s not a party. Just a
family sort of thing.”
Magda smiled. “Come on. Spit it out. I need to be sure I’m
not going deaf.”
He leaned his hip against the corner of the desk. “Lin and I
want you to meet my new partner. He’s her cousin and a really great guy.”
Magda glared. “Ben, let me repeat. What did you want me to
do with this man?”
He studied his hands. “Was just a suggestion.”
“And that was?”
“To show him a really good time.” He joined her at the
She arched a brow. “A good time as in what?” She thought she
knew the direction his thoughts traveled but she wanted to be sure she’d heard
him correctly. Her hands fisted. “Does your wife know you’re soliciting?”
“What?” His round face reddened. “That’s not what I meant …
well, maybe … just –” He groaned. “Couldn’t you just fine … make him happy to
be in Rivertown? If the two of you don’t click you could show him around the …
dating scene. You know what I meant.”
“Do I?”
He heaved a sigh. "Lin and I want him to settle here.”
Magda shook her head. “Spit it out, Doctor.” Anger oozed
from the dark corner and colored her voice. “Just how do you expect me to
accomplish your purpose?”
He stared at her. “Anything it takes.”
“No way.” She clipped the words with a razor edge. Would he
understand why she was furious?
“Mag, come on. Wasn’t I there for you when you needed a
“I’ll give you that.”
“I need a partner who will settle here permanently,
especially now.”
This 'friend' (I think her hesitation over the word was right on) strikes me as presumptuous in the extreme.
Now, that sounds like an awkward request.
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