Yvonne Lady of
Cassio by Rosemary Morris
When Yvonne and Elizabeth,
daughters of ruthless Simon Lovage, Earl of Cassio, are born under the same
star to different mothers, no one could have foretold their lives would be
irrevocably entangled.
Against the background of
Edward II’s turbulent reign in the fourteenth century, Yvonne, Lady of Cassio,
contains imaginary and historical protagonists.
It is said the past is a
foreign country in which things were done differently. Nevertheless, although
that is true of attitudes, such as those towards women and children, our
ancestors were also prompted by ambition, anger, greed, jealousy, humanity,
duty, loyalty, unselfishness and love.
From early childhood, despite
those who love her and want to protect her, Yvonne is forced to face difficult
economic, personal and political circumstances, during a long, often bitter
struggle before she finds true love.
Published by BooksWeLove Inc.
Available as an e-book and a print-book from Amazon. B07142HQ6D
Barnes and Noble, Books We Love, Kobo, Smashwords
and other online retailers.
Beyond Rubies by Rosemary Morris
in 1706 during Queen Anne Stuart’s reign, Far Beyond Rubies begins when
William, Baron Kemp, Juliana’s half-brother claims she and her young sister,
Henrietta, are bastards. Spirited Juliana is determined to prove the allegation
is false, and that she is the rightful heiress to Riverside, a great estate.
his way to deliver a letter to William, Gervaise Seymour sees Juliana for the
first time on the grounds of her family estate. The sight of her draws him back
to India. When “her form changed to one he knew intimately – but not in this
lifetime,” Gervaise knows he would do everything in his power to protect her.
Juliana and Gervaise are attracted to each other, they have not been formally
introduced and assume they will never meet again. However, when Juliana flees
from home, and is on her way to London, she encounters quixotic Gervaise at an
inn. Circumstances force Juliana to accept his kind help. After Juliana’s life
becomes irrevocably tangled with his, she discovers all is not as it seems.
Yet, she cannot believe ill of him for, despite his exotic background, he
behaves with scrupulous propriety while trying to help her find evidence to
prove she and her sister are legitimate.
Far Beyond Rubies is available from Amazon as an e-book
and a paper back. B01MEBL3KX
It is also available from Barnes and Noble, I Tunes.
Kobo, Smashwords and other online retailers.
Wednesday’s Child by Rosemary Morris
1816, Mrs Bettismore lies on her deathbed. Her twenty-year old granddaughter,
Amelia is distraught by the imminent loss of her only relative, who has raised
her in an atmosphere of seclusion and unyielding discipline.
inherits her grandmother’s fortune, but after such a sheltered upbringing she
finds herself lost and alone. Her emotional growth stunted by Mrs Bettismore
she is afraid to do or say anything of which her grandmother would disapprove.
heiress is unprepared for her introduction to Saunton, her guardian’s noisy
household and his family of irrepressible sisters.
this cause Amelia to retreat into herself even more, or will a home filled with
love and high spirits change her outlook and encourage her to find love?
Or do
the long-hidden secrets of her birth threaten to spoil everything?
Wednesday’s Child is available from Amazon as an e-book
and a paper back B07FSMBS9PB
It is also available from Barnes and Noble, I Tunes.
Kobo, Smashwords and other online retailers.
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