Sunday, September 30, 2018

Sunday's Book Search For the White Jewel #MFRWAuthor #BWLPublishing #Fantasy #Young adult #Magic gems

Search for the White Jewel: The Jewels of Erda (The Jewels' of Erda)

When the Holder of the Yellow Jewel dies, her ward Liara believes she will become the new Yellow Holder. The dying word of the elderly woman astonishes the young woman. She will hold the White Jewel. This fabled gem has been lost for years since her mother and her sister fought and her aunt took hold of the Black Jewel. Liara, accompanied by her foster brother set forth to find the jewel, escaping the soldiers sent by the Queen and Black Jewel Holder. During their escape, Liara meets Valmir who saves her and her foster brother during a shipwreck. During their journey, they meet other holders of the Jewels, including Reena, daughter of the now dead Queen. Though she has the Black Jewel, Reena has no idea how to use the gem.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Saturday's Blurbs featuring books by Juliet Waldron #MFRWauthor #BWLPublishing #Historical #Magic

Fly Away Snow Goose ~ Nits’it’ah Golika Xah: Northwest Territories and Nunavut (Canadian Historical Brides Book 8)

Fly Away Snow Goose
Transport to Fort Providence residential school is only the beginning of their ordeal, for the teachers believe it is their sworn duty to “kill the Indian inside.” All attempts at escape are severely punished, but Yaotl and Sascho, along with two others, will try, undertaking a journey of 900 kilometers across the Northwest Territory. Like wild geese, brave hearts together, they are homeward bound.
Black Magic
Disappointed in love, weary of war, Goran von Hagen retreats to his idyllic alpine estate. He does not know the dark and ancient secret of the looming mountain--or that it will change his life forever.
Red Magic
Set in 18th Century Germany, RED MAGIC tells the story of a young woman’s transition from rebellious girl to adored--and adoring--wife. A forced marriage brings her to her husband’s mysterious mountain home, where she uncovers a legacy of magic. Preconceptions hinder the coming of love between the newlyweds, as well as the strange attraction the young wife feels toward her husband’s magnetic, foreign horse master.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Friday's Guest Juliet Waldron On Writing #MFRWAuthor #BWLPublishing #Historical #Villains #Historical fantasy

What’s your genre or do you write in more than one?
After years of writing historical novels—some more, some less, romantic-- I’m beginning to write in the related genre of historical fantasy. This has come about because of Red Magic (soon to be retitled: Zauberkraft ~ Red), one of the earliest swings I took at the Historical Romance form. 

As a teen, I’d dug out my Mom’s old Baroness Orczy (The Scarlet Pimpernell) as well as books set in a mythical central Europe, like Anthony Long’s The Prisoner of Zenda. I fell  in love with these—and the old black and white movies I saw on TV during long snowy upstate New York winters. Zauberkraft~Red  ended up nothing like staid, sweet Georgette Heyer, or like the American bodice rippers, either.

Earth magic, coming of age, an abduction which sends the heroine for a terrifying stay in an Ottoman seraglio, as well as revenge as a dish served VERY cold, are some of the goings-on in Red Magic.
The “Magic” grew larger and far darker in the second book about this family, Black Magic or Zauberkraft~Black. Here the von Hagen family tale  continues in the person of a first born son, now grown and just home from the final installment of Napoleon’s Wars who is about to (unwittingly) bring down an ancestral curse  upon his head. It isn’t every noble family that has shapeshifters…

Currently, I’m working on Zauberkraft~Green, aka Green Magic, about a teen (an illegitimate member of this tale-spinning family) who has the ability to see auras and related phenomena the rest of us don’t.  When her disgraced mother makes a good marriage (at last!) her wonderful new husband takes her and her daughter to live with his aristocratic relatives in England. They can’t know that yet more supernatural trouble lies waiting. 

The plot of Green Magic has been evasive, as I’m an incorrigible writer-by-the-seat-of-my-pants--but I hope for more “movies in my head” as the lawn slows down and I no longer have to spend so much time and energy out there mowing it. And if I ever get over this virus, a gift which just never gets tired of giving me another day of blah!

Villains are a necessary part of romantic story-telling, aren’t they-- least, in one form or another and in varying degrees of toxicity? I have a hard time writing out and out villains, although nature definitely provides these characters far more often than the conscientious, kind rest of us would like to see. In my own rather tame life, I’ve seen more people who are crippled into behaving with cruelty than actual out and out evil.  Not that those kinds of people can’t do others an immense amount of harm—like the folks who go out and shoot into crowds with automatic weapons—but in the end, they are just bent, their minds injured in terrible ways that cause them behave like that. This inherent brokenness is true of most of my villains.

I think I’ve only created a few completely evil characters, ones whose backstory we’ll never know. I’d say the wickedest character in any of my stories is no longer human; he’s a vampire and immeasurably old. I’ve never believed vampires to be romantic figures. To me, they’ll always have the stink of death about them—the first death having been their own. Now ordinary humans do act like parasites upon one another—the institution of slavery being in my mind a prime example. I’d say societies which keep large numbers of people in subjugation, hunger, and poverty, like North Korea, would also be an example of evil put into practice, but here we’re just talking about a character in a book who interacts negatively with those around him. Still, the Count of Black Magic, the one who steals Goran’s beloved Veronique, is, once again, someone more motivated by an injured sense of his own self-importance than by any mere supernatural hunger. 

Vendetta, I think, would be the proper description of the Count’s motivation to destroy Black Magic’s hero. In my own life, I’ve seen a lot of harm caused by people who believe they “have a right” or a “just cause,” a kind of free pass to inflict pain, suffering, and even death on those who don’t agree with them. These inflexible, self-righteous positions are the mind-set from which most of my villains are born.

A case in point would be in a story like Fly Away Snow Goose.  There is no single villain, but culturally prescribed cruelty enacted by many people—some by RCMP, others in religious orders-- who imagine they are doing the right thing by forcibly taking away language and family ties from the children in their care at those Indian residential schools.  The Tlicho children in this story are fighting for their freedom to be who and what they are—even if it’s “just” a life in a close-knit tribe who hoping to live as they’ve always done, moving with the seasons and the caribou.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Thursday's Fourth Scene Murder and Sweet Tea #MFRWauthor #BWLPublishing #Cozy mystery #murder

The next day, I spent time in the garden tending the mint beds in front of the bedroom area of the house. Their aromas filtered into the rooms and helped me sleep. Megan and Rose Prairie played with a ball on a string. Robespierre sat in his Sphinx position on the stone walk leading from the front door to the street. He watched the pair. Did he yearn to play but felt such nonsense beneath his dignity? A smile brushed my lips as I wondered if he felt his age kept him from play.
     A moving van backed into my neighbor’s driveway. Several minutes later, a bright blue eco-friendly car parked on the street. A tall, blonde haired woman wearing jeans and a white tee with some slogan printed on the cloth got out. I couldn’t read what was written there. Large sunglasses and a baseball cap obscured her face. She half ran to the steps and climbed to the porch. My new neighbor had arrived and promised to be interesting.
     The movers emptied the truck and carried the usual furniture inside. They followed with dozens of boxes and office equipment.
     While watching the move, I gathered basil and mints for our evening meal. I pulled weeds from the beds.
     “Hungry, Grandma Kate.” The small girl planted herself in front of me.
     “Is it lunchtime already?”
     “My tummy says yes.”
     I clasped her hand and we walked to the house. A parade of cats followed. The pair scampered over the slate foyer and turned toward the kitchen. Robespierre and Rose Prairie dashed to sit beside their bowls in expectation of being fed. I chuckled. Megan’s pet had learned the drill.
     She giggled. “They are so silly.” She shook a few nuggets into each bowl. She ran to the powder room to wash her hands. I assembled a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich. A glass of chocolate milk, apple slices and two cookies completed her meal. I entered the pantry and selected a round basket and placed it on the counter.
     Megan skipped to my side. “What you doing?”
     “Making a welcome basket for our new neighbor.”
     “Can I come with you and see her?”
     “Yes.” I pulled a loaf of banana bread from the freezer and filled a tin with an assortment of cookies. A half dozen small jars came next. Each contained a different blend of mint and tea. The jars had ribbons with an attached card telling about the tea.
     Two cats observed the process. Though curious, I knew the basket was safe. I had trained Robespierre to stay off the counters and the kitchen table. Rose Prairie usually followed the older cat’s lead.
     I joined Megan at the table. My lunch was slices of tomato and the rest of last night’s crab salad. After delivering the basket, Megan and I would drive to a local farm to replace my stock of fresh veggies.
     The moment we finished lunch, Megan wiped a chocolate moustache away. She ran to the door. “We go now?”
     “Just a minute.” I inspected her clothes to make sure she hadn’t spilled a bit of lunch to stain her shirt. I looked for the cats. They were curled in Robespierre’s bed.
     “Rose Prairie come, too?”
     “Not today. We don’t know our neighbor. Cats could make her sneeze.”
     I lifted the basket. Megan opened the door and walked beside me to the gate in the privet hedge between the two yards. When we reached the Dutch Colonial, I rang the doorbell.
     My new neighbor opened the door. She was beautiful and blonde. I had expected blue eyes but hers were a brilliant green. “Hello, I’m Katherine Claybourne from next-door and this is my granddaughter, Megan. We would like to welcome you to the neighborhood.” I handed her the basket.
     “How lovely of y’all. Reminds me of home. I so wondered about my neighbors.” She paused. “Oh, I’m Sabrina Gates.”
     Her smile warmed me. I felt an instant connection. I turned to leave. “Once you’re settled we’ll visit again.”
     She shifted the basket. “Why wait? I’m dying for a break. Why don’t y’all come in?”
     “If it’s no bother.”
     We stepped into a central foyer with stairs leading to the second floor. On one side double doors opened into the living room. On the other side a hall led past a small room, a powder room and into the kitchen.
     Sabrina placed the basket on the table. Like a child opening a birthday present, she pulled out the jars and read the labels.
     Megan climbed onto a chair. “Grandma Kate make some really good cookies.”
Sabrina’s laughter filled the room. “Would you like one of the really good cookies?”
     Megan looked at me and I nodded. “One.”
     She turned to Sabrina. “She say one. I’m four and gonna be five when I get my birthday. How old are you?”
     “Not a polite question,” I said.
     “Oh, do you have any children?”
     “I don’t but I do like children.”
     “My daddy like them, too. He makes pictures. Him needs a girlfriend.”
     I hid a grin. Was the child match-making?
     Sabrina finished her exploration of the tea jars. She selected one. “I’ll brew a pot of this one.” She had chosen pekoe and peppermint. She took a pinch and sniffed. “Smells great. I just finished making sugar syrup for sweet tea.”
     “Sweet tea?” I looked around the room. The walls had been painted off white, the same color as the ones in the foyer and the hall. Were all the rooms the same color?
     “Sweet tea’s a Southern thing. You’ll see.” She put water to heat and filled a tea ball with leaves from her selection. While the water heated, she examined the banana bread. “This will make great breakfasts with cream cheese.” She pulled a large jar of clear liquid from the refrigerator and hung the tea ball on the side of a pitcher. When the water boiled, she poured it into the brewing pitcher, waited for the water to color and then added the syrup and ice.
     “I read your first book. Well-written and held my attention to the end. I’m waiting for a copy of your second to be available at the library.”
     “Wait a minute.” She dashed from the room and soon returned with two books. “Now you won’t have to wait. What is your name?”
     “Katherine or just Kate.” She signed both books and handed them to me. “Thank you.”
     “Tell me about the town,” Sabrina said.
     “It’s really a village. People are generally friendly. They don’t pry into your business too much.”
     “Sure isn’t that way at home. I lived in a small town not far from Savannah. Everybody thinks your doings are their business. I think I’ll like living here.”
     “Tell me about writing your books.”
     She smiled. “They’re adventures. Nothing like my life. My heroines are gutsy. Not at all like me.”
     “I’m sure that’s not so. Here you’ve left home and moved to a place where you know no one. That takes courage.”
     Pain crept into her green eyes. She shook her head. “I don’t want to talk about why I moved away but you’re so easy to talk to. I feel like I’ve known you for years.
     She must feel the same connection as I did. “I know. It’s odd but sometimes that happens.”
     She rose and took glasses from the cupboard. “Megan, would you like milk with your cookie?”
     Megan shook her head. “Tea.”
     Sabrina frowned. “Is that all right?”
     I nodded. “She likes to taste the different kinds.”
     Sabrina opened the cookie tin. “These look delicious.”
     “Grandma Kate makes the bestest.” She pointed to one of the cookies. “I help make those ones. Chocolate with peanut butter chips.”
     “Then that’s the one I’ll try.”
     I sipped the tea. A hit of sugar zapped my palate. My new neighbor was right. The flavor reminded me of peppermint candy.
     “Where do you buy the tea?” Sabrina asked.
     “I grow the mint, dry the leaves and blend them into either pekoe or oolong. Recently I’ve experimented with green tea. Haven’t had much success since the green is so delicate.”
     Her green eyes sparkled with interest. “How did you begin?”
     I set my glass on the table and checked Megan. She sipped her tea and licked her lips. “Tastes like a candy cane.”
     “When my husband and I bought a Victorian house, the mint leaves were well established. When I moved here, I transplanted a variety.”
     “Is the handsome man I saw earlier your husband?”
     “He is.”
     “How long have y’all been married? Daddy and Mom just celebrated their thirty fifth.”
     “Almost a year.”
     “You’re teasin’ me.” She bit into the cookie.
     “Not a bit. For years I was a widow.” Megan had finished her tea and cookie. “We should go. No sense wearing out our welcome.” I handed her a slip of paper. “Again, welcome to the neighborhood. These are my home and cell numbers. Try the house first. I always forget to turn the cell on. If you have any questions, call.”
     “I will and thank you for all the gifts.”



Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Wednesday Search For The White Jewel #MFRWHooks #MFRWauthor #BWLPublishing #Fantasy #Sword and sorcery #Jewels

Search for the White Jewel: The Jewels of Erda (The Jewels' of Erda)

Join authors on #MFRWHooks for some great excerpts here  My offering is a fantasy Search For the White Jewel at

When the Holder of the Yellow Jewel dies, her ward Liara believes she will become the new Yellow Holder. The dying word of the elderly woman astonishes the young woman. She will hold the White Jewel. This fabled gem has been lost for years since her mother and her sister fought and her aunt took hold of the Black Jewel. Liara, accompanied by her foster brother set forth to find the jewel, escaping the soldiers sent by the Queen and Black Jewel Holder. During their escape, Liara meets Valmir who saves her and her foster brother during a shipwreck. During their journey, they meet other holders of the Jewels, including Reena, daughter of the now dead Queen. Though she has the Black Jewel, Reena has no idea how to use the gem.



The black-robed wizard slipped through the doorway leading to the Queen’s chamber. He paused and studied the wan woman propped against the black silk pillows. As he approached the bed, his robes rustled.
The Queen grasped the Black Jewel, symbol of her reign. “Be gone, I say. I have no need of you.”
“Your time has passed. ‘Tis time to cede the Jewel to your successor.”
“Not yet.” She raised the Black Jewel. Dark rays pulsed in its heart. “Be gone and let me be.”
  He evaded the dark beams. “What of the White?”
  She laughed. “Do you think I fear that thing? My sister failed to find the gem. For generations, there has been no sign of its existence. There have been but myths and rumors.”
He smiled. “The White stirs. I sought and I found.”
“Where?” Her eyes narrowed.
‘Tis where it has always been, waiting for the one who can hold the jewel. But fear not. ‘Tis not your battle. Soon you will be gone, and I will have the training of the one who is to follow you. This time there will be no mistakes. As Holder and Chosen, she and I will rule.”
“Be gone, dark wizard.” The Queen raised the Black and poured her anger into the gem. Thunder roiled the silent night and a great display of colored lightning brightened the sky above the palace.



Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Tuesday's Writer's Tip Check List for Modifiers #MFRWauthor #BWL Publishing #Adverbs #Adjectives

When you're revising and doing those final edits, having a list of things to check for helps. This is the one for adjectives and adverbs, those defining and sometimes not great choices for making your story sing.

1. An excess of adjectives - Do you use three or more to get your meaning of a word across? One and maybe two should be enough to carry the picture.

2. Have you used adjectives to the best advantage? See if using them brings the personality of the character into view.

3. In a scene, think about adding a character or two so a bit of dialogue or action can be used instead of a mass of adjectives.

4. Look at your tag lines. Do they all have those ly words attached? angrily, sadly etc. You know what I mean.  Check your other advebs, especially like very. Make a list of common adverbs so you become aware of them.

5. Watch out for purple prose passages. They are filled with adjectives and go over the top.

6. Make sure the adjectives and adverbs you've chosen add to the definition of character, setting and the plot.



Monday, September 24, 2018

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWauthor #BWLPublishing #Poetry #Charity letters #Writing

nder 1 - Poem - Wandering -

I wandered through the streets today,
Just hoping for a glance.
To see your face just dimly
Through the glass of your place of work.
You didn't see me standing.
You didn't know I was there,
Nor did I soothe my yearnings.
They call for more than looks
And even if you can't return
I'll try to understand
My feelings or my hopes.
I'll continue to watch and love you
While afraid to make a move.

Meander 2 - Charity letters - My husband and I donate to 12 charities at the end of the year. The letters start coming in June or July. There are also phone calls to which I politely reply that I will give but once a year and I know when that is. Don't call. Most don't. But they send letters. Last week on two days, I received letters, five of them from the same charity. Don't they understand they are wasting money with these multiple mailings and also the paper used to send them. There are a few I appreciate, mostly local ones who do not bug you all the time and send a thank you note when you contribute, not another begging letter.

Meander 3 - Writing - Am on the last bit of The Virgo Pisces Connection. Last chapter being typed in and will need revised but once that's done, I'll ship it off to the editor. Am doing a bit of work on The Children of Fyre, a fantasy. Then I'll have to start planning for the next round of books to write. Two in the Moon Child series and one fantasy, in the Lines of Fyre trilogy.



Sunday, September 23, 2018

Sunday's Book Murder and Sweet Tea #MFRWauthor #BWLPublishing #Mystery #Katherine Miller #Maine Coon Cat

Murder and Sweet Tea (Mrs Miller Mysteries Book 6)

Lars is her new husband. He loves Katherine but doesn’t understand why she’s always trying to protect her near and dear. Even though she saved his life while visiting him in Santa Fe, he often questions her involvement in other people’ lives.

Into their lives arrives a new neighbor, Sabrina Gates. Sabrina bought the house next door. She has had a phenomenal success as a new author but moes from her past and present threaten her peace and ability to write. There is the blogger who posts snide and not so nice posts about other authors. Sabrina’s former agent wants a share of the huge amount of money Sabrina has received for a trilogy. And there is her ex-husband, a needy greedy coward who wants money.

Above all there is Robespierre who makes his presence known.



Saturday, September 22, 2018

Saturday's Blurbs featuring Books by Rosemary Morris #MFRWauthor #BWLPublishing #Romance #Historical

Yvonne, Lady of Cassio (The Lovages of Cassio Book 1)

The Lovages of Cassio

Volume One

Yvonne, Lady of Cassio. The

A Historical Novel set in the reign of Edward II

When Yvonne and Elizabeth, daughters of ruthless Simon Lovage, Earl of Cassio, are born under the same star to different mothers, no one could have foretold their lives would be irrevocably entangled.
Against the background of Edward II’s turbulent reign in the fourteenth century, Yvonne, Lady of Cassio, contains imaginary and historical characters.
It is said the past is a foreign country in which things were done differently. Nevertheless, although that is true of attitudes, such as those towards women and children, our ancestors were also prompted by ambition, anger, greed, jealousy, humanity, duty, loyalty, unselfishness and love.
From early childhood, despite those who love her and want to protect her, Yvonne is forced to face difficult economic, personal and political circumstances, during a long, often bitter struggle.

Far Beyond Rubies

A Romantic Historical Novel set in Queen Anne Stuart’s reign 1702-1714

Set in 1706 during Queen Anne Stuart’s reign, Far Beyond Rubies begins when William, Baron Kemp, Juliana’s half-brother claims she and her young sister, Henrietta, are bastards. Spirited Juliana is determined to prove the allegation is false, and that she is the rightful heiress to Riverside, a great estate.
On his way to deliver a letter to William, Gervaise Seymour sees Juliana for the first time on the grounds of her family estate. The sight of her draws him back to India. When “her form changed to one he knew intimately – but not in this lifetime,” Gervaise knows he would do everything in his power to protect her.
Although Juliana and Gervaise are attracted to each other, they have not been formally introduced and assume they will never meet again. However, when Juliana flees from home, and is on her way to London, she encounters quixotic Gervaise at an inn. Circumstances force Juliana to accept his kind help. After Juliana’s life becomes irrevocably tangled with his, she discovers all is not as it seems. Yet, she cannot believe ill of him for, despite his exotic background, he behaves with scrupulous propriety while trying to help her find evidence to prove she and her sister are legitimate.

Tuesday’s Child, Heroines Born on Different Days of the Week. Book 2

A Romantic Historical Novel set in the Regency Era.

Harriet Stanton followed the drum until the deaths of her husband and father, army officers in the war against Napoleon Bonaparte. Destitute, on the verge of starvation, she returns to England, with her three-year-old son, Arthur. Although she has never met her father-in-law, the Earl of Pennington, with whom her late husband had cut all ties, for Arthur’s sake, Harriet decides to ask Pennington for help. Turned away from his London house by servants, she is rescued by Georgianne Tarrant, who founded an institution to help soldiers’ widows and orphans.
Desperate for an heir, the earl welcomes Harriet, and Arthur, whose every wish he grants.
At first, Harriet is grateful to her father-in-law, but, as time goes she is locked in a silent battle to control Arthur, who has tantrums if he is denied anything. 
After Pennington refuses his permission for Arthur to swim in the lake, Arthur defies him. About to drown, he is rescued by charismatic Dominic, Reverend Markham, the Earl and Countess Faucon’s son.
At the lakeside, Dominic meets Harriet. She is so dainty that his immediate impression is of a fairy. Despite her appearance, he is mistaken. Harriet is not a pampered lady by birth. During brutal campaigns, she milked goats and cooked over camp fires.

Rosemary Morris’s Novels are available as e-books and paperbacks from:-

Amazon, Apple, Barnes and Noble, Indigo, Kindle, Kobo, Nook, Mondadori and Smashwords,

Friday, September 21, 2018

Friday's Guest Rosemary Morris On Writing #MFRWAuthor #BWLPublishing #Plotter #Panster

1.                  Are you a panster or a plotter or perhaps a bit of both?

I write meticulously researched romantic historical fiction. Historical non-fiction often gives me an idea for a plot. While engaged in mundane tasks such as stacking the dish washer or  hanging out laundry I consider possibilities, but I don’t plot my novels in detail.

Which comes first - characters or plot for you?

A rough idea for a plot comes first, but until I have chosen the main characters names and filled in their detailed character profiles I can’t begin writing the novel.

What are you working on now? Is this a book in a current series or something totally new?

I am writing Friday’s Child, Heroines Born on Different Days of the Week Book 6, a romantic historical set in the ever-popular Regency era. (The heroines’ stories are not continuations of previous books in the series.)

4. Do you have some kind of object or place that figures in most of your books? I use gems a lot, hospitals and caves.

Places, costume and food figure in all novels.

I visit and research places of historical interest and use the information to create places where my fictional characters exist. I also describe their clothes and the food they eat  – something which is praised in reviews of my novels.

5. Do you write every day or just when the spirit hits?

I wish I had the luxury of writing when the spirit hits, but if I did I would procrastinate and, maybe, never finish a novel.

Friday’s Child will be published in June 2019 so I must submit it to my publisher by the 1st of May. To complete the novel and have time to research, I write between 6 a.m and 10 a.m. every day, and deal with matters relating to writing from approximately 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.  It’s hard but very rewarding work.

6. Where can we find you? You can find me at:


Thursday, September 20, 2018

Thursday's Fourth Scene Murder and Herbal Tea #MFRWauthor #BWLPublisher #Cozy mystery #Herbal Tea

When Dana knocked on the door, Joyce let her in. Unlike her mother, the young woman’s hair hung straight. She looked stressed. “Problems?” I asked.
     “Bad day.”
     “What happened?” Joyce asked.
     “One of my students ended in the emergency room. Spaced out on uppers.”
     “Will she recover?” I knew the toll amphetamines took on the body.
     “I think so. Zach asked me questions about her and wanted me to talk to her."
     “What did he want to know?” Joyce asked.
     “About drugs on campus. I didn’t think they were prevalent. He said the student refused to say where she got them. As if she’d tell me. All I know is she decided to pull an all-nighter to finish a paper due tomorrow.”
     For a short time we let her talk. Dana was only a few years older than her students, but being a teacher kept her out of their loop.
     When she wound down we went to the kitchen and ate pie.
     “Thanks for bringing me a piece.”
     “Wouldn’t have been fair if we hadn’t.” Joyce turned to me. “Where are you and Lars going to live?”
      “We bought a house on the river.”
     “You’re giving up that magnificent Victorian?”
     “My apartment was too small and his house too large.”
     She grinned. “You’ll love the river view.”
     “Definitely. The house is on the left side of my favorite viewing place. It’s across the road from the doctor’s huge house.”
      Dana leaned forward. “Where are you honeymooning?”
     “That’s under consideration and one of the reasons I bolted. We’ll eventually reach a compromise.



Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Wednesday Search For the White Jewel #MFRWHooks #MFRWauthor #BWLPublishing #Fantasy #Jewels

Search for the White Jewel: The Jewels of Erda (The Jewels' of Erda)

Join authors on #MFRWHooks for some great excerpts here  My offering is a fantasy Search For the White Jewel at

When the Holder of the Yellow Jewel dies, her ward Liara believes she will become the new Yellow Holder. The dying word of the elderly woman astonishes the young woman. She will hold the White Jewel. This fabled gem has been lost for years since her mother and her sister fought and her aunt took hold of the Black Jewel. Liara, accompanied by her foster brother set forth to find the jewel, escaping the soldiers sent by the Queen and Black Jewel Holder. During their escape, Liara meets Valmir who saves her and her foster brother during a shipwreck. During their journey, they meet other holders of the Jewels, including Reena, daughter of the now dead Queen. Though she has the Black Jewel, Reena has no idea how to use the gem.



The black-robed wizard slipped through the doorway leading to the Queen’s chamber. He paused and studied the wan woman propped against the black silk pillows. As he approached the bed, his robes rustled.
The Queen grasped the Black Jewel, symbol of her reign. “Be gone, I say. I have no need of you.”
“Your time has passed. ‘Tis time to cede the Jewel to your successor.”
“Not yet.” She raised the Black Jewel. Dark rays pulsed in its heart. “Be gone and let me be.”
  He evaded the dark beams. “What of the White?”
  She laughed. “Do you think I fear that thing? My sister failed to find the gem. For generations, there has been no sign of its existence. There have been but myths and rumors.”
He smiled. “The White stirs. I sought and I found.”
“Where?” Her eyes narrowed.
‘Tis where it has always been, waiting for the one who can hold the jewel. But fear not. ‘Tis not your battle. Soon you will be gone, and I will have the training of the one who is to follow you. This time there will be no mistakes. As Holder and Chosen, she and I will rule.”
“Be gone, dark wizard.” The Queen raised the Black and poured her anger into the gem. Thunder roiled the silent night and a great display of colored lightning brightened the sky above the palace.



Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Tuesday's Writer's Tip - More Modifiers - Adverbs #MFRWauthor #BWLPublishing #Adverbs #Writing

Last week, we looked at adjectives and learned strings of them didn't do the trick. Adverbs have their uses but they can be used to death. I remember judging contests for beginning writers and remembering what I'd done when I began writing. That was using adverbs in dialogue tags.

She said angrily. He said happily. You know the trick instead of doing something like "Get lost,"she said angrily, I learned to her hands fisted. "Get lost." Gives the same meaning but the second version packs a punch and also gives a view of the character.

Adverbs generally end with ly. So that's something to look at while you're in revision mode.There are other adverbs we tend to use. Very is one. She was very sad. Not to mention passive voice, that sentence doesn't give a picture of the character. There are times when I do use this and sometimes repeat the word, especially in dialogue. "I am very, very mad." In a story this was a child speaking. An adult might have said I'm furious. Other adverbs that can creep into a story are ones like almsot, frequently. Just be on the look out for adverby while you're writing.



Monday, September 17, 2018

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWauthor #BWL Publishing #Poetry #Shopping #Writing

Meander 1 - Poem _ Security Blanket --

You are security, peace and binding
The comforting nest after flights into the sky.
The arms that hold me when ecstacy is lost.
The fingers that gently sooth away
The anxiety born of facing chaos, madness, death.
And though you cannot soar with me
I need you always there waiting
For those fleece-lined moments
When I return to you.

Meander 2 - Shopping - Yesterday I went to look at possibilities for my kitchen. The refrigerator I have right now is working on its second icemaker and that only spews cubs when it wishes. I had no desire to try a third so I've decided to buy a new refrigerator and so I looked at them yesterday. My stove also needs a bit of an upgrade. The stove has been there since we made the kitchen larger about thirty years ago. Now it does work, all but one burner and I have never conquered the self cleaning function. I tried and tried but it never worked properly. There are other things I'd like to do there but they can wait until I have a few more dollars.

Meander 3 - Writing - I am kicking myself. I did something I'm always warning other writers not to do. That is called rushing the end of the book. While typing the final chapter warning bells rang. I did not play the scenes to the end. All the other chapters are great but this one has to be re-done and so I will. Then the next thing iis to do the CAF for a book thats coming in February or March.



Sunday, September 16, 2018

Sunday's Book - Murder and Herbal Tea #MFRWAuthor #BWLPublishing #Murder, #Tea #Mystery

Murder and Herbal Tea (Mrs. Miller Mysteries Book 5)

Katherine’s wedding day has arrived and she and Lars make their vows. When she notices one of her best friends hasn’t arrived, she begins to worry. Her friend owns a shop where tea and accompaniments are sold. Her friend’s partner is a micromanager. Katherine’s friend has wanted to dissolve the partnership. A call to the New England town brings the dreadful news of a murder. Kate’s protectiveness factor takes hold and she leaves a note for Lars and heads to rescue her friend. Though she has promised to leave murders alone, she feels she has no choice. Lars follows to help her solve another murder.

Editorial Review
Long-time beau Lars has finally convinced Katherine Miller to become Katherine Claybourne. But fans won't be surprised that even on her honeymoon, Kate can't stop herself. She's a magnet for murder. ~ Writer Gail Roughton

July 15, 2017
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase

August 7, 2017
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase