Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday's Inspiration - Words from John Donne

"Go and catch a falling star." Those words are ones that live in my head every day. They remind me of times spent with my grandfather. He taught me how to read. The poems of John Donne were among his favorites and this one especially.

I remember him saying after reading a poem or a story to me something that has stuck with em as well. "Words are magic." And words are, taking you to a new world or an old one seen by someone else's eyes.

Each author creates a world that is new and different and theirs. This may be the world we see every day but it's not really that wold. I believe if a dozen writers were given the specifics of a world, city, town or rural place, each would use those elements to make a different world.

So, "Go and catch a falling star. Get a child with mandrake root." Words are magic and use that magic to create a new world.

1 comment:

Victoria Chatham said...

How lucky you were to have a grandfather like that. Memories for you to treasure for sure.