Monday, September 26, 2011

26 September - last week and this week

Last week was semi-slow. I'm not 27% done with the book. I finally got started on Twitter and I hate this new computer. I have pictures in the computer. They will open but they will not transfer to anything, yet I can download them into an email. This is frustrating and in a day or so I will try another tactic.

This week I'll be doing the usual on the blog but will be starting a new Friday feature and hopefully I'll have some takers. I'll ask a few people like Jane to do their take on it and see where we go from there. It will still be Writer's tips. Kate Diabolo will be the interviewed and Plot is still going on and on but that will be winding down. Then I might take a bit of a look at genres. Will see.

Will hopefully get more chapters of The Chosen of Horu into shape. This draft is the one where the details get put in or at least suggested. I'm working on a scene where the hero goes into a panic. Some people might not like to see a macho guy fall apart but the scorpion bit him and all he can think of is that he will die. Not going to happen but I'm having fun with this. Do strong men have to be strong all the time? That's the question of the day and we'll see how it goes.

1 comment:

Malcolm R. Campbell said...

You know, Superman isn't super 24/7 if he runs into any kryptonite. All fictional heroes need "kryptonite of some kind in their lives or the book gets pretty boring. Panic after a scorpion bite sounds reasonable to me.
