Monday, November 13, 2023

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #reading #writing #thoughts

Meander 1 - Reading - Read two Balogh's Regency romances. She really gives ehr characters hard choices to make. Enjoyed both stories.

Meander 2 - Thoughts - Frustrating times for those who believe the government should work well. The Repubs are in such turmoil they can't get anything done. Much of this is cesntered around their ideas. They have chosen not to get alone and stick together as a party. There seems to be several factions though not large are vocal and often not very smart. Some are holding out for losing and I sure hope when the election time comes they are shown their choices have been wrong. Perhaps they will lose every seat in Congress and a new aprty will arise. I have been registered to vote since 21. That was the age in those days. I registered as an Independant and voted for the best person who fit my ideas regardless of party. Gradually over the years this became harder to vote for those who were Repubs and gradually, there were so few who held any ideals I could accept. It is to the point now, unless there's a complete overthrow of the current Repubs I won't be able to find one who can work well with others.

Meander 2 - Writing - By the end of the month, I'll finish the rough draft of Keltoi and will start working on The Horror Writer's Demise. Just a bit more research to do here. 

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