Friday, November 17, 2023

Kate Hill is Visiting and Talking about her latest release #MFRWAuthor #Vampire #romance #artist #history

 Tell me about your latest release or the book you wish to feature? Genre?

Dominique is a short vampire story about an artist who decides he's been lonely for too long and wants to find a companion. He meets someone and falls in love fast, but she has secrets that prove to be dangerous to him.


2. Where did the idea arise?

I wanted to write a short vampire love story that has elements of romance and horror. While writing Dominique it felt like a fairy tale.


3. How much research was involved? Did you stay on point or be distracted by wanting to look at just one more thing?

It has a historical setting, so it took some research about that, and I particularly looked at the history of miniatures because as an artist, Dominique specialized in those.


4. How long did you take to write the book?

Most short stories take a week or two to write the first draft, but it can take months to years to polish them. Dominique underwent several changes, but altogether it probably took about three months to reach the final story.


5. Now a bit about you. How long have you been writing? What is your Sun Sign?

I've been writing since I was a child. When I was about sixteen I decided to start submitting work for publication, and it took about ten years after that for my first story to get accepted. Not surprisingly, it was a short, erotic vampire story. It's about twenty-seven years later, and I still love to write vampire stories! My sign is Libra.


6. Do you write in a number of genres of stick to one?

I mainly write romance in a variety of subgenres, but sometimes I also write horror.


7. Where on the internet can you be found?


I love to connect with readers and writers online. I can be found at:











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