Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Tuesday's Writer's Tip - More on Exposition # Story comes first #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Exposition #Story

 What do you do when there is a lot of information you want to give to the reader? You could do pages of exposition. This might work but usually it doesn't. Often when you're writing, especially when dealing with the pastor the future, there are things you would like to share but you need to remember one point. The Story Comes First. Expositionneeds to be handled with care. Feed this in bit by bit and show with these bits of exposition what effect it has on the characters or the story. Use it in such a way that the reader wants to know this bit of information. Making a dump of lots of material isn't the way to go. The expositionneeds to be part of the action. And think of the ways it could be used. To develop the character is one way. Another is to advance the plot. To give a road into a character's thoughts. This can also be sued to foreshadow the coming action.

So use exposition in your storyes byt connect it to the plot or the setting or the characters. and keep it as active as you can.

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