Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Tuesday's Writer's Tip - Openings - Settings and more @BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #amwriting #props # settings

 There is more to the opening of a story than the characters and the moments around the change happening to one or more of the characters. Setting is a big thing and Symbols are another that can shape the story.

Symbols is another word for a prop or an object that means something to the character and may be present throughout the book. I use this frequently. In some of my fantasies, jewels play a large role and often are used by the characters to enhance their talents. Often these gems are with the characters constantly. There are other symbols I've used. In my mystery series, mint tea plays a large role. Sometimes people think the cat, Robespierre is a prop but to my character in the book he is a person. So when you're developing a story try to find something for the character or characters to use.

Settings have a great deal of influence in stories. This has always been my problem and I've been accused of having my characters existing in a vacuum. This has become less stressful for me as a writer over the years. Of course there are some writers who expand their stories with volumes and volumes describing the settings. This can definitely upset the reader and often causes them to skip over the materisl. In an opening scene, the setting can give a hint to the atmosphere of the story. My current story has the opening scene in the hero's office and gives a bit about his character. The heroine's opening scene is set in the place where she is the caregiver to a young boy. These settings give the reader a view of the characters in their ordinary life and then shows the change.

Settings can set the tone and mood of a story. Often in my fantasies the opening scenes can show darkness coming to a character's life. One I recall has the heroine overlooking a keep and wondering what will happen to her and why she has been torn from her family. So remember the opening setting in important to your story.

My Places








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