Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Tuesday's Writer's Tip - Opening Scene Characters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Opening Scene #Cgaracters #amwriting

 You've carefully devised the opening scene of your book and you believe you have the three elements needed. What comes next. The characters are what you need to bring to life.

There may be one or more characters in your opening scene. Too many could confuse the reader but having the ones you choose to show the reader need to be shown with care. There are stock characters found in literature but you don't want yours just to be there. You need to show them in living color.

In my current manuscript, the story opens with the hero at his new office. He is an attorney. His partner comes into play and we learn the hero is expecting his family to arrive. They are mentioned as being his mother, his young nephew and his two young sons. Also the symbol of a Christams tree comes into the story. In this case the tree symbolizes change and a new life for the hero and the characters. There are also hints to what haunts his dreams.

This is what makes the people come to life and hopefully interests the reader so they will read more of the story. So now you have the situation and the characters but opening scenes need more that will come in the next post.

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