Saturday, January 2, 2021

Saturday - Talking about Books to come #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Books #Moon Child #Moon Rising #Medical suspense


While these are not the books I hope to write this year, they are related to the Books I would like to complete during the next year.

Haunted Dreams is currently being roughed in and concerns a Cancer heroine and a Libra heor. His dreams are haunted by his time in Afghanistan and also the neglect of his sons by his former wife. Hers are haunted by an estrangement from her father, her only relative.

Moon Rising - Incal is the next book in the Moon Rising Series and is about the rise of the Three and Three there to overcome the evil priests of Midros who hold the land in their hands.

Committee of Angels is another medical suspense that is partly written but somehoe I lost the prologue that set the story spinning. Simce I found it among some papers, I decided to throw this one in for this year. My publisher may want to hit me over the head but hopefully she will enjoy this added tale. The story is based on something I read about the number of doctors who really aren't fit to practice medicine. The percentage is low but what happens when a number of them are found at the same hospital.

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