Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Wednesday Temple of Fyre #MFRWHooks #BWLAuthor #Fantasy #Romance #Gems


Join the authors at #MFRWHooks here  for some great excerpts. Mine is from Temple of Fyre She learns the truth and is banished from the temple


Sold by her family to the priestesses of the Temple of Fyre, Ria soon masters using each of the four fyrestones, white, yellow, orange and scarlet. Her curiosity leads her to the archives and there, she learns things that disturb her. There are no men serving as priests but in the past there were. Men are kept in the harras where the priestesses visit. On the day of her testing she is ordered to perform a task she dislikes and refuses to destroy a town. Many of the priestesses fall into unconsciousness. Melera, the chief priestess, beats and banishes Ria for the carrion crows to consume. Ari was abandoned as a child and found by two elderly firestone miners. He has pursued this and is the best of the finders. He goes to the temple to sell the stones he has gleaned. On leaving, Ria attempts to steal the fyrestone he has worn since the day he was found. He thinks she is a boy and a thief and he takes her to his room at the inn. On discovering her identity, he refuses to turn her over to the priestesses and they leave town. They are searching for the fabled blue fyrestones. They also learn to use them they must be bonded physically, emotionally and spiritually. Can they learn to master the blue stones and defeat Malera so they can rule the temple with love and understanding?


The stone seeker reached the market square where people thronged. She tried to keep pace with him while skirting the clusters of people who moved in erratic patterns. Her body ached. She felt as if the flames she had called were lodged beneath her skin.

The babble of voices and the shifting patterns of the brightly colored clothes made her dizzy. She gulped deep breaths laden with perfumes and spices. She halted and frantically scanned the crowd. Her quarry had vanished. A sense of desperation filled her. She had to find him and the fyrestone he carried.

A tremor spread along her body. She shook. She fisted her hands and fought the darkness threatening to swallow her. She couldn’t succumb to the convulsions that occurred when a priestess lost her crystal. For some, death occurred.

When she saw the stone seeker near a seller of ale, she nearly collapsed as relief swept through her body. He drank the liquid in several gulps. She tried to swallow, but her mouth and throat were dry. Hunger pangs stabbed her gut. The sun slid over the horizon and the sky grayed. Men with long sticks lit the torches near the stalls and around the periphery of the square.

Ria pulled a small knife from the sleeve pocket of her tattered caftan. Had the blade been a gift? Did the acolyte know she had dropped it? ‘Twould serve now. Ria crept toward the stone seeker. Surely the fyrestone was in the pouch with the coins. She didn’t care about the money, just the crystal. She had called fire from a scarlet. To be without a stone could mean her death and she was determined to live.

He headed toward a lane where a number of inns and pleasure houses stood. Once he left the square, her chance to steal the stone and vanish into the milling crowd lessened. She moved closer, reached for the pouch and slashed. He wheeled and grabbed her arm.

“A thief.” He glared. “Who beat you, boy? Is your master heartless?”

How would he act when he learned she was a woman? Ria stared at the ground. Her legs trembled. How could she answer? If he learned her identity, he would take her to Malera.

“Nothing to say? Shall I call the alders?”

She shook her head. “No, please.” Fear caused her voice to crack. If he brought her before the hamlet leaders, she would be sent to one of the pleasure houses to earn her fine. Unless she was recognized and returned to the temple.

Fear, fever, and hunger joined. Her body shook. His face blurred and she collapsed.



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Daryl Devoré said...

Tense scene. She is in quite the mess.

Personalized Marketing Inc said...

I agree a very intense scene, I want to know more!

Today's posts have also been shared on #PMInc's Facebook Page Excerpts & Promotions.


Tena Stetler said...

Sounds like she is in one heck of a pickle. What will she do? Great hook.

Lyndi Lamont said...

I love the premise of the book. Great scene, Janet. (Sorry I'm a day late commenting.)

Linda McLaughlin aka Lyndi Lamont

Kate Hill said...

I enjoyed the vivid descriptions in this scene.