Monday, August 1, 2022

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Reading #Writing #Thoughts

 Meander 1 - Reading - Read two books by Anne Perry, one with Monk and one with the Pitt's enjoyed both. Also read several By Balough. One was sort of strange but good. Others were light and airy.

Meander 2 Thoughts - Been wondering what to do this time. There are so many things in the news that want to set me off but I think what I'm most upset with is the Supreme Court. I believe there should be a term limit of twelve years. Perhaps it made sense back in the day when people didn't live as long to give them a life time position but these days most of them are old and while they may not seem senile and do still have their wits. They are too old to understand the will of the people. I also think they should have to retire at seventy-two like the rest of the people. Sure I am 86 and can still function as a writer but I could not do the physical work I used to do. Then there are the conservative drift of the Court. Do they ever look at what the people want or are they not listening to anything but their personal and religious beliefs. Are they speaking to the will of the people. Then there is the Justice who dared make fun of others who offered criticism of a decision the Court made. Is this dignified - Hardly. Was rather like a five-year-old ahving a temper tantrum. I do hope something gives the Supreme Court a kick in the rear and some rules that make sense in this day and age take effect and there will be term or age limits imposed on this body of what has now become dictators of the American way of life.

Meander 3 - Writing- Slowly going right now with this bum foot since I can't sit with foot down for too lMy Places



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 ong. But I am eking out words and typing in pages and will hit a better pace soon.

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