Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Tuesday's Writer's Tip About Setting @BWLAuthor @MFRWAuthor #Places #weather #time of day

 Settings is an important part of a story. This is the Where and When of a story. There are severalelements in setting a story in a particular place. There is the country, town or city. Also there is the time of year, and the time of day.  There is also the weather at the time of your story.  All have ways to influence the story.

Place can be used in a variety of ways. Every country has a culture and also important places. The same goes for a town, city or village. Also in each setting there is a particular place such as a house, a room or the surroundings. Giving these particular places a voice in the story can add to the tension. Think of a spooky house or a hotel room, an office or a hospital. All can add to the ambiance of a story.

Time can also be an element in a story. What year is the story taking place. What events have occurred around that time. What time of day is your character existing in. There are differences in the light of morning or a moonlit night. All these can be used to influence the characters.

Weather can also add depth to your story. Think of a frain storm, a tornado, a blizzard. Each of these events could have an influence on your character. Think of the difference between a confrontation in the sun or one beneath the moon. This can influence your characters.

So pay attention to your setting and use the elements to add tension to the story.


My Places








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