Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Tuesday's Writer's Tip - Characters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Writing #Characters

 Last week I looked at Plot. That is the How of the questions one asks Who, What, When, Where, Why and How. The characters are the who and are most vital. Years ago, I did an experimental story using a park bench as the main character. This was an interesting experiment but a park bench doesn't have enough character to be a character.

When writing a story, there are the main characters. We look on them as hero, heroine and villain. There are also the secondary characters and the minor ones. Developing a character takes time and thought. I use Astrology when doing this and that's a plus. Since I look at Sun, Moon and Ascendant giving me a picture of the character. Besides this, it's nic e to know about their career, their background and their experiences. These days, I often set these things in my mind by telling myself a story about the character I'm developing as I fall asleep. 

Major characters have to have a full sense of who they are and what and why they want something. Secondayr characters are the friends and perhaps minor enemies of the characters. When developing them, their traits belong to their interaction and feelings for the major characters. They may have unique characteristics, but if these are too interesting and blatant, they take away from the main characters. Minor characters are those who walk on for apurpose, like the doorman who alwasy smiles when opening the door and other characters who have a single purpose.

So choose your characters with care and make sure they all stay in their place. Having a secondary character take over cn make the story muddy,

My Places








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