Tuesday, February 20, 2024

The Maturation Plot is featured as Tuesday's Writer's Tip #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Writing #plot #maturation

This plot is concerned with growing up. Lessons to be learned. Some of them are hard but when this story ends, the main character is changed and becomes a better person. The story starts with a sympathetic youth, male or female. The story has to do with the moral growth from child to becoming an adult. These stories may be long ones and there are a series of tests. sometimes the character isn't ready to accept and the test remains to be faced again. The test is usually a dramatic one and the character must learn from this. Could be a death in the family or some other tragic event. For the child, this event is traumatic but is really part of growing up. The event can be denied since the character isn't ready to accept what the chnage will mean. He or shemay be trying to do the right thing but not be sure what the right thing really is. The growing doesn'thappen in a day but comes gradually. Always keep this in mind. When writing this kind of story, you mut be able to go back to the days when the feelings were being formed. 

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