Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Tuesday's Writer's Tip - Character Sketch #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #writing #Character #sketch

 While similar to Mood Pieces, Character Sketches depend on one character rather than an emotion. Various scenes revolving around a particular character show facest of his or her life.  Each of the scenes shows part of the character's personality and actions and reactions to situations. Any relationships are shwon only to further develop the personality. Many times they are shown from the outside and moving inward. The story teller is developing a picture of a person from what is seen to what is interior.

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Monday, May 30, 2022

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Reading #Writing #Thoughts

Meander 1 - Reading - reading the Ravenals Series by Lisa Kleypas Victorian era books and enjoyable reads. Also  read The Rake gets Ravished - an interesting Regency book.

Meander 2 - Thoughts - Once again there is a school shooting. This time in Texas where anyone can buy a gun and shoot people. Will something be done? I really doubt it. There are too many Republicans who are tied to guns and who refuse to see the reality of the 2nd amendment. Guns for all is their cry but that's not it at all. I am so sick of these people I no longer have any tears. Do these men and women care about anything. They call for more guns. The oddity is they're having a convention and no guns are allowed because they're afrain they'll be killed. Ironic and stupid.

Meander 3 - Writing - Have now outlined the final chapters of Sepal and soon will block them in. Now instead of all of a chapter to be done by one speaker and alternating. The chapters will now have alternate viewpoints since the six are together. 


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Sunday, May 29, 2022

Sunday's Book Seducing the Baker #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #romance #cupcakes #Old flames


 She was the only girl to turn him down. What will happen when business and a wedding bring them together again.

Jules Grayson was a player as a teen and that hasn’t changed. Business and a friend’s wedding join to bring him to the place where his life had imploded and where his trust issues began. A Ponzi scheme and a suicide forced him into a group home he hated. For ten years he has avoided returning.

Grace Sutton is faced with a dilemma added to by the appearance of Jules in her Sweet and Spicy Cupcake bakery. Years ago she turned Jules down but she had a crush. His appearance erodes the vow she made years ago. Men had used her mother and led the woman into drugs and alcohol. Grace vowed to forego relationships with men until she could support herself. Though the bakery is making money, she doesn’t feel secure. When Jules arrives with a contract for a magazine feature, she is conflicted and attracted.

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Saturday, May 28, 2022

Saturday's Blurbs feature books by Daryl Devore #MFRWAuthor #Romance #New Adult #Mistakes #Bangkok #Dragon


Dancing in Circles

The lament of two teens – 
There’s nothing to read – was the trigger to the creation of Daryl Devore’s New Adult romance - Dancing in Circles.
One born into privilege and a charmed life surrounded by love and family.
The other born to a life of violence on the streets as the solemn leader of the notorious Shoresmen.
A young, idealistic co-ed, Julie Anderson, meets a jaded, cold gang member, Robert Holiday, and cracks his icy shell, allowing the warmth of her love to awaken his soul.
But - is Julie’s love strong enough to surpass all that life will throw at them? Social prejudice. Hatred. Violence. And is she willing to sacrifice her childhood dream of becoming a professional dancer for the man she loves?
Tied to the brotherhood of his gang, Robert is torn between his duties to them and his desire to spend his life with Julie. Can circumstance even allow him to lay down his ties to the gang so that he may hold onto his newfound love?
Sacrifices must be made, but only time will tell if it is enough.

What Happened in Bangkok

To save Darien's life his brother asks, "Can you walk in high heels?"
Erika Bailey, owner/manager of a drag queen club in Bangkok, Thailand has happily settled into all aspects of her new life, except for her lack of a love life. When a new diva auditions, Erika is bewildered over her instant attraction to the blond God, Apollo.
Darien Scott is on vacation after a world tour and mistakenly figures the safest place to be is at The Black Dragon with the head of a Triad. When the club is hit, Darien is the only person to get out alive. Now he's running from the police and a Triad. Mistake number 1.
Disguised as a drag queen, he's hired by Erika, but falls hard for his new boss, then struggles with not coming clean with her. Mistake number 2.
Can he fix his mistakes and find a life filled with love or is he headed straight for mistake number 3?

The Last Dragon

What do dragons, knights and romance have in common? Grab a copy of multi-published author Daryl Devore’s medieval fantasy romance – The Last Dragon and discover the answer.
A sorcerer craving dominance merged with a dragon, the power overwhelmed him causing him to split into three dragons. Demora ruled thought, but was lost in time. Yidithe offered protection, shining like the light of the sun. Ayrradex craved chaos, revelling in destroying souls.
Many knights died, attempting to slay the devil beast. One knight, Prince Hawkyns, did not fear death. He’d lost everything. Away on a mission when Ayrradex attacked his father’s kingdom, Penrythe, Hawkyns returned to find his noble father – feeble and defeated. His wise mother – crazed. His beautiful wife and unborn child - dead. Only a pile of ashes remained for him to bury. He knelt before his King and vowed to slay the devil-beast or be slain.
Derry was born with powers that terrified her parents. They delivered her to a nunnery to be raised in secret. Jathe, a wise sorceress, discovered the young girl and trained her to one day use the secret hidden in her soul.
Legends spoken around campfires hinted the sole way to destroy Ayrradex was when the hearts of a knight and a golden dragon became one. But after a vicious battle with Ayrradex, the golden dragon was thought to be dead.
Can Prince Hawkyns’s bravery and Derry’s powers end the reign of the devil-beast’s terror?

Friday, May 27, 2022

Friday - Daryl Devore is visiting and talking about Genres #MFRWAuthor #romance #medieval fantasy


Daryl Devore is visiting and talking about Genres #MFRWAuthor #Writing #Genres #romance #medieval fantasy


1. Do you write a single genre or do your fingers flow over the keys creating tales in many forms?

Does your reading choices reflect your writing choices?

Are there genres you wouldn’t attempt?


I write many sub-genres to romance – billionaire, medieval, medieval fantasy, twisted fairy tale, urban fantasy, NA, rock star  and sports.

No, my reading choice is old British mysteries.

I don’t think I’ll try gothic horror. Horror stories are so not my thing. They scare me.


2. Heroes, Heroines, Villains. Which are your favorite to write?


The hero was my favourite. But in my latest WIP, it’s the heroine who is being so much more fun to write.


3. Heroes. How do you find them? Do pictures, real life or plain imagination create the man you want every reader to love? Do they come before the plot or after you have the idea for the story?


I am a pantser, so I have no idea who my hero is until I start writing him. In my rock star trilogy, I had no idea he was going to be a rock star. I just started writing the book. After I have a good feel for my hero, then I’ll search out photos to help me describe him.


4. Heroines. How do you find them? Do pictures, real life or imagination create the woman you want the reader to root for? Do they appear before the plot or after you have the idea for the story?


My heroines appear the same way my heroes do. I start typing and words appear on the screen and some are the hero doing heroic things and some are the heroine doing heroic things. Same as the hero, when I have a feeling for the heroine, then I’ll search out some photos of her.


5. Villains or villainesses or an antagonist, since they don’t always have to be the bad guy or girl. They can be a person opposed to the hero’s or heroine’s obtaining their goal. How do you choose one? How do you make them human?


In my rock star trilogy, the villain – Gan – started off creepy, but as I progressed into book 2 and definitely book 3 – he just got worse. One reader say she shuddered whenever his name appeared on the page.



6. What is your latest release? Who is the hero, heroine and or the villain?


 What Happened in Bangkok- book 1 of my rockstar trilogy – Two Hearts ~ One Love

Hero – Darien Scott

Heroine – Erika Bailey

Villain – Gan. He’s so creepy, he only gets one name.



7. What are you working on now?


AN earlier release was a medieval fantasy romance, The Last Dragon. I’m in a writiers group where we write monthly flashettes – short stories based on some prompts. I wrote one, looked at it and thought – I just wrote the prologue for a sequel to The Last Dragon. 


8. How can people find you?


My blog and Twitter are the best places to locate me. But there is also my newsletter to learn fun stuff about me and my writing life and writing friends.

Blog - Romance - Sweet to Heat


Bi-monthly Newsletter




9. Who are your favorite authors?


Tw o British mystery writers – Agatha Christie and Dorothy L. Sayers. When I need a break from the world, I will lose myself in one of their books. I have them all for both authors, and have read them at least a dozen times.

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Thursday Meet the Characters from Seducing the Attorney #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Romance #Attorney #occupational therapy

 Lauren Grant had a rebellious teenage years and was a runaway. She finally found her sister and slowly began to change. She is now a student in occupational therapy and lives in the same town where her sister and brother-in-law live. She has a good relationship with them and delights in their infant son.

Tony Carlin is an attorney and a by the book kind of person. He met Lauren at his brother's wedding and formed a negative impression of this young woman with streaks of color inher hair, tattoos and many piercings. He has good relationships with his brother and sister-in-law. He likes their infant son but has no idea how to interact with the infant.

When the couple is killed in an auto accident, he and Lauren become co-guardians of the baby.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Do you know what you've done #MFRWHooks #BWLAuthor #Committee of angels #romance #hospital #suspense


Join the aturors at #MFRWHooks here http://mfrwbookhooks.blogspot.com for some intriguing excerpts. Mine is found @https://wwweclecticwriter.blogspot.com from the Committee of angels


The article passed around the table on a hot August night. “Five to ten percent of the nation’s doctors are so impaired or incompetent they cannot or should not practice medicine.” The nurses at Bradley Memorial thought they had them all. That night they formed a group they called The Committee of Angels.

Nearly a year has passed and Laura Bancroft wonders why little has been done to change things. She also wonders about some of the nurses fitting the pattern. Laura has three doctors on her list of incompetents. She seldom meets with the other members and several of the others are upset with her. When her ex-husband joins the medical staff, she realizes she still has feelings for him. One of her list of doctors dies after emergency surgery and Laura finds her suspected since she was assigned to the doctor. She must deal with suspicions, her feelings for her ex. Then a second on her list commits suicide and speaks of blackmail.

Can Laura learn the truth of who is responsible before she faces arrest?


“Mrs. Bancroft, what right have you to interfere? Do you know what you’ve done?”

“Kept a patient from walking out. Mr. Jackson was furious when he learned about his surgery. His son had no legal right to give a phone consent or any other kind.”

He leaned forward. “Just a minute, young lady. What are you accusing me of doing?”

“Not listening to your patient.”

“You’ll be sorry. When I report this, you will lose your job. Do you like owning a house?”

Laura clenched her hands. The house was her dad’s. “Don’t threaten me. You could have spent time with Mr. Jackson explaining the reason for the surgery and showing him the results of the tests.”

“That old man insisted on no surgery.” He grasped her arms. “You’ve condemned him to an awful death.”

Laura froze. Moore’s pale eyes glittered. The odor of alcohol reached her. He was drunk. She wanted to run. Had Doug managed to reach the supervisor?

“You…you…,” he sputtered. “You’re doing this for revenge. You still blame me for your mother’s death.”

“We could have sued you but my dad wouldn’t.” Though Laura knew she should stop, she couldn’t. “How many more patients.” She saw his raised fist headed for her face.

“I wouldn’t do that, doctor.”

Laura’s eyes widened. She knew that voice. What was he doing here?

Dr. Moore whirled. “Do I know you?”

“We haven’t met yet. I’ve just joined the staff. Rich Slater’s partner.”

“You had no right to interfere.”

Laura didn’t wait to hear more. She hurried to the lounge. Why was Alex here?

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Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Tuesday's Writer's Tip Mood Pieces #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Writing #Mood pieces #atmosphere

Just what is a mood piece type of story. Many stories contain elements of this. Such stories as Gothic stories, and horror fiction contain elements of mood. The atmosphere of gloom, doom and lurking evil set off these stories from others. This is difficult to maintain and is often found in short stories. One step away from the mood breaks the atmosphere. The mood aimed for must be strong. Characters who mirror the mood are necessary. The setting also must contain the elements of the mood and seem almost to be a character in the story. The gloomy castle, the haunted woods and other such devices are prevalent. Depending on the mood, all the characters must fit the pattern of what the mood is the theme.  

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Monday, May 23, 2022

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #reading #writing #thoughts

 Meander 1 - Reading - Read two of Anne Perry's Charlotte and Thomas Pitt series and enjoyed both.  Dipping back into history is always fun. One of the books dealt with the south African settling. Fascinating bits of the Victorian age.

Meander 2 - Thoughts - The garden- Because I have expanded the peomy beds along the walk from the sidewalk to the house, a bed was dug that eventially would be filled with peonies. There are four large bushes and one small from last year's planting. My dear granddaughter decided the bed must bee filled. I had thought to plant four more this eyar and more next. She has purchased many peony plants. I'm not sure how many. Shehas also expanded the number of rose bushes. All will soon be planted. The yard will be magnificent. Hopefully we'll take some pictures that I can share on the blog.

Meander 3 - Writing - Am working on Chapter six and then I'll have to ourline the remaining chapters since both Threes will now be together and the chapters will bounce between Amera and Ranal. Am enjoying this book as much as any I've written so far but that's always how I feel about each book i write.

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Sunday, May 22, 2022

Sunday's Book Seducing the Attorney #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #romance #attorney #occupational therapy #co-guardians


Lauren Grant’s first meeting with Tony Carlin happened four years ago at her sister’s wedding to his older brother. There’s been an attraction but a wary one. The handsome arrogant attorney had showed disdain. At that time Lauren had been a troubled teen with streaked hair and piercings. Now, she’s working toward her Master’s in OT and has no time for more than school and her infant nephew. The death of Jamie’s parents has left Tony and Lauren as joint guardians of the baby.

Tony makes assumptions about Lauren’s current life-style. He’s as attracted to her as he was four years ago. But he’s a player and has no thought of making any commitments other than having sole custody of his nephew. He is grieving for his brother. Lauren grieves for her sister and Tony’s brother. A moment of mutual comfort sends them on a spiraling course.

Will they solve the problem of the custody and come to admit their feelings for each other?

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Saturday, May 21, 2022

Saturday - Three Free Books #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Cozy mystery # medical romance #fantasy


therine is a retired nurse and a retired church organist. The small Hudson River village where she lives in her Victorian “Painted Lady” makes her the neighborhood matriarch. Along with her Maine Coon Cat Robespierre, she guards friends and families.

When amoral Rachel moves into the first floor apartment of Katherine’s house, trouble erupts. The murder weapon is one she recognizes and makes her fear for her friends and family. Finding the killer becomes her goal.

Editorial Review
Murder and Mint Tea is a gem in its genre, combining the voice of a classic American whodunit with that of a traditional British detective novel. Murder She Wrote meets Miss Marple in a beautifully crafted tale that makes the reader want to reach into the pages and dispense justice to the villainess themselves. ~ Writer Gail Roughton

Jenessa is Aries, a nurse, union advocate and likes a good fight.

Eric is Libra, Director of Nursing, and believes in compromise.

Can these two find a way to uncover the underhanded events at the hospital? They’re on opposite sides but the attraction between them is strong. She’s a widow who fought to save her husband’s life during a code. She feels guilty because the love she and her husband shared had died before his death. He assisted at the code but he feels guilty since he was the one who was responsible for the short staffing the night her husband died.

Now they face falling in love and trying to solve the problems between the nurse’s union and the president of the hospital’s Board who wants a take over of the hospital by his hospital group. Is their connection strong enough to survive?

Two sets of halfling twins, Ashlea, Brandien, Jaydren and Kylandra sent away from their home by their parents to protect them from trouble, search for mentors to teach them how to use their affinities.

During the escape, they face many problems forcing them to use their affinities by trial and error. They also meet Alizand, the son of the ruling prince of Wesren. Zand has an affinity for Fire and this will keep him from gaining the rule.

Dom Senet, an advisor to his father, and once a friend of the quartet’s parents suspects Zand’s affinity. He wishes to corrupt the teen and use him to gain control of the four princedoms of the land and of the highlands. The evil dom has all four affinities. The four must reach a secret place and find teachers before the evil man discovers them

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Thursday Meet the characters from Seducing the Doctor #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #romance #Magazine editor #doctor #houses

 Matt is the fourth of the Blakefield siblings. He is a bachelor and plans to remain that way. At his brother's wedding, he is told he's the next. No way, he thinks and takes off. He has plans and a house he wants to buy to restore but he can't find the owner. He takes off on his Harley. That night during a rain storm he has an accident and is rescued,

Cassie Moore, a young doctor has escaped a broken engagement when her fiance marries another woman. She borrows a cabin from one of the older doctors and takes ice cream and wine with her. A crash draws her to the window and she sees the accident. She rescues the rider and brings him to the house. She sees he is a guy she had a high school crush on. He doesn't rexognize her at first. It also turns out that her dead father has given her the house Matt wants.

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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

"What do you plan to do?" #MFRWHooks #BWLAuthor #medical #suspense #Committee of Angels #hospitals


Join the authors at #MFRWHooks here  http://mfrwbookhooks.blogspot.com  for some intriguing excerpts. Mine is found @https://wwweclecticwriter.blogspot.com and is from my latest release.


The article passed around the table on a hot August night. “Five to ten percent of the nation’s doctors are so impaired or incompetent they cannot or should not practice medicine.” The nurses at Bradley Memorial thought they had them all. That night they formed a group they called The Committee of Angels.

Nearly a year has passed and Laura Bancroft wonders why little has been done to change things. She also wonders about some of the nurses fitting the pattern. Laura has three doctors on her list of incompetents. She seldom meets with the other members and several of the others are upset with her. When her ex-husband joins the medical staff, she realizes she still has feelings for him. One of her list of doctors dies after emergency surgery and Laura finds her suspected since she was assigned to the doctor. She must deal with suspicions, her feelings for her ex. Then a second on her list commits suicide and speaks of blackmail.

Can Laura learn the truth of who is responsible before she faces arrest?



 He pushed open the lounge door. Laura stood in the middle of the room with her fisted hands at her sides. Her mouth opened in a silent scream.

“Are things that bad?” he asked.

“Worse.” Her hazel eyes filled with tears.

“What is it this time?”

She raked her fingers through her short brown hair. “Doctors. Nurses.”

“Tell me.”

“Betty for one. She failed to pass along important information to one of the doctors. She also removed the note I had put on the chart.”

Doug chuckled. “I know what you mean.” He struck a pose. “How can I a lowly nurse tell a powerful doctor who knows everything anything.” Laura’s tight features relaxed. He felt rewarded. “Aren’t you used to her attitude by now?”

She walked to the refrigerator and removed a large brown paper bag. “The other concern is Blunder Doc. He’s taking Mr. Jackson to surgery tomorrow. He didn’t tell his patient what he planned to do. Mr. Jackson refused to sign the consent. He then called the son for a phone consent. Neither did Betty tell him. I just talked Mr. Jackson out of walking out until he speaks to his son.”

“Is Blunder Doc implying Mr. Jackson is senile?”

“Looks that way. Though Mr. Jackson may need surgery his refusal to sign stands. Part of the reason is the lack of info. I read the progress notes. There’s no alternative listed but no biopsy has been done and the tests have been non-conclusive.”

:Is Moore doing an exploratory?”

Laura scowled. “The schedule calls for a bowl resection and a colostomy.” She sat on the apple green couch. “He may be doing the right thing but having surgery is Mr. Jackson’s choice to make. He’s alert and competent. When I admitted him he told me he wasn’t here for surgery but for tests.” She pulled a plastic container from the bag. “Fried chicken. Dad packed enough for three.”

“Or just for you and me. Your dad’s fried chicken is the best.” Doug poured two mugs of coffee. “I can’t see what you can do about Mr. Jackson.” He sat beside her. Don’t slam your head against a wall. Bring the incident to the Committee tonight.”

“That would be too late for Mr. Jackson. With him going to surgery angry means the surgery may go bad.” She swallowed a mouthful of coffee. “What will the Committee do besides add this incident to the foot high stack of incidents we have on him?”

Doug chewed and swallowed a bite of chicken. “What do you plan to do?” He waved the half eaten chicken leg. Do you plan to lay siege in front of the OR door. Don’t risk your job. You have a daughter to support and a father to help.”

“I’ll talk to the son.”

“You can’t solve every problem. Don’t look for trouble. The Committee will act.” He wished he could convince her to let the others solve the problem. He released a breath and continued to eat.


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Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Tuesday's Writer's Tip Mosaic Structure #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #writing #mosaic structure

Mosaic structure consists of small segments to form a pattern and the structure of a story. Repetitions of images as symbols, repeated situations and attitude form a pattern. Each repetition gives a bit more information having a cumulative effect. Rather like solving a puzzle with more revealed with each repeated scene. There are a number of formtes that build to form the picture. Mood pieces, character slice of life, theme and variation and allegory are forms of the mosaic pattern. Though the scenes may seem static they do form a whole and the picture emerges.

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Monday, May 16, 2022

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #ewading #writing #Thoughts

Meander 1 Reading - The past week i've read a few books.  Melita a hitorical romance by   Margaret Tanner a nice read, Saving Grace by Julie Garwood - read this years ago and forgot how much fun the book was a number of laugha, Silent Revenge - started out interesting and worth the read but then as the ending neared, the story bogged down and I was ready for it to end when there was an hour's reading left.

Meander 2 - Thoughts - Bought some new plants for the garden. Three roses. Two climbing and two bushed. The climbing ones are for the other side of the porch. Still hunting a blue climbing rose. Also two peonies to fill in the peony row that goes down the side of the walk to the house. Still need to buy at least three more since one keeps being mowed down since it was very small.

Meander 3 - Writing - Am still rough drafting. Am on chapter five. Then one more to go and the six will be together and must reach the mmountain pool and then confront the priestesses and their guards. I think tha will take four chapters but maybe more. I will see. Beginning to think about the next in another series and hopefully in my head, I'll find the direction for the story to go.

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Sunday, May 15, 2022

Sunday's Book Seducing the Doctor #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #romance #contemporary #doctor #remodeling houses


“You’re next.”

Those words send Matt Blakefield fleeing his brother’s wedding. Marriage or even falling in love is the last of his desires. What he wants to learn is the identity of the owner of the house he wants to use as a make-over for the magazine he edits, Good Livin’. A fall rainstorm and a pine tree sends his motorcycle into a spin and into the arms of an old acquaintance, a girl he hurt in high school.

Cassie Moore has borrowed a cabin from one of her partners in a cardiology practice to come to terms with a broken engagement. The news came via an email. Her fiancée had married another woman just weeks before their scheduled marriage. The appearance of Matt at her door brings an old attraction into full bloom. She realizes love is lurking but he’s a player and she needs to forget the connection.

Is it possible that a weekend of love can become a lifetime?

Reviewed in the United States on June 2, 2016
A K/U book.

This is a cute story. I loved Cassie and Matt's characters and I loved how his family
couldn't keep their noses out of their business.

Matt has sat around long enough and watched everyone pair off and get married. No matter
who is getting married, Matt always finds himself getting set up with someones co-worker or
friend. The last thing that Matt wants is to settle down and get married, but his family has other
plans. Going away for the weekend to one of his families cabins seems to be just what he needs
right now.

Cassie is a doctor and up until a couple of weeks ago, she was engaged to Tim. Much to her
surprise, Tim marries the office nurse, all of a sudden, out of the blue and on a Thursday no less.
Needing to escape, Cassie borrows one of her Senior Partners Cabins for a much needed get away.

This book is filled with surprises, some more pleasant than others.

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Saturday, May 14, 2022

Saturday's Blurbs feature Books by C. Becker #Euphoria #Science #drugs #teenage rebellion #secrets


Finding Euphoria blurb:

 Hailey Langley refuses to be a victim and has moved on from her traumatic past. But her marriage problems worsen when a deadly illicit drug threatens to draw her into the life she left behind.

Mark Langley has allowed his job to interfere with his marriage, but he never suspected the secrets in Hailey's past might hold the key to solving both of his current investigations.

Together, they must unravel the mystery of the drug called Euphoria and find a way to save not only their marriage, but countless lives, before it's too late.


Saving Euphoria blurb:

 Hailey Langley and her children struggle to cope with the shocking and mysterious death of her husband Mark. Her teenaged son is rebelling, and Hailey is dealing with physical and mental challenges as well.

Tom Parker, Hailey's former partner from the Special Crimes Agency, comes back into her life. He warns her to trust no one even as he tries to rekindle the flame that connects them.

Everyone has secrets, even Parker, and some of those from the past threaten to destroy the present. Hailey fights to move forward after losing Mark, but she needs to figure out if she can trust Parker and risk taking another chance on love.


Buy Links:

Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09SVMXYZT

The Wild Rose Press: https://www.thewildrosepress.com/bookauthor/c-becker

B&N: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/saving-euphoria-c-becker/1141022852

iTunes: https://books.apple.com/us/book/saving-euphoria/id1612065577

Contact info:  https://cbeckerauthor.wixsite.com/cbeckerauthor