Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Tuesday's Writer's Tip Those Trick Endings @BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Endings #Trick #writing #O'Henry

Trick endings are a temptation and a trap. O'Henry was a master of devising such endings and they work wonderfully on the first reading and not so much as they are re-read. Achieving them isn't an easy way to end your story that seems to have no real ending that's dynamite. But trick endings take a lot of preparation. One can't just end with that bang and have the reader scratch their heads. The trick must be built into the story so that when there seems to be no real ending, the writer can spring the trap and the trick ending happens. Read O'Henry again and look for the place where the trap is laid and suddenly you know. If you need that trick ending follow the pattern.

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