The older woman’s eyes opened. “A bondmate’s duty is to see to her mate’s comfort. You will understand once you wear Petan’s bracelet.”
“I won’t.”
Kalia drew a deep breath. She wouldn’t tell her mother how she planned to flee
rather than be bonded to him.
“You must.
When Robec is named Swordmaster he will need a strong Right Hand. Your father
believes Petan will be the one.”
Kalia rose.
“I won’t argue with you today.” She walked to the door. ‘Rest and regain your
strength. I’ll send someone with broth, citren and kafa.” How long would the
recovery take this time? After her mother’s last visit to her mate, a week had
passed before her mother’s lines had brightened.
Her hands
tightened into fists. Tomorrow was the day of choosing. On the day when the
returning patrols celebrated Ingathering, her father would allow Petan to name
her as his bondmate. If she must duel, she would. Better to die beneath the
blade than be milked of her essence by a man she believed was evil.
Kalia left
the area where the women who either weren’t bonded or didn’t live with their
bondmates stayed. She raced along the corridors until she reached her father’s
office. She tapped on the door and wished for once he would listen. Could she
convince the Swordmaster that a bonding with Petan would mean her death? Did
her father care?
Petan was a
leech. Just the other day his touch on her arm had drained some of her lines of
fire. She shuddered. Just like her father changed her mother’s lines.
An image of
the pale wiggling creatures used by the Healers to clean wounds made her
stomach lurch. Rather than essence, the creatures removed dead tissue from
she had pulled free from Petan before he had stolen more than she could spare.
During her mother’s days with the Swordmaster, her father stopped before
depletion occurred. Petan wouldn’t. He was greedy. The deaths of his former
bondmates told her the truth of his nature.
She knocked
When her
father called, Kalia stepped inside and paused before the desk. “I have
something to say.”
Swordmaster’s mouth curved into a smile. His eyes remained cold as bits of
green glass. “I’m sure you’ve heard what will happen tomorrow. Secrets are few
in the Hall. As you suspect, Petan will claim you as his mate.”
Kalia stared
at her father. She dare not cave to his demands. “I heard but I didn’t believe
you would do this to me. I will refuse.” A shudder shook her body. She forced
the words past her tight throat muscles a second time. “I will refuse.”
He rose and
pressed his hands against the mahogany desk top. “You will do as I command. You
are my daughter. Your bondmate will stand as your brothers’ Right Hand when he
takes my place as leader.”
quieted her desire to attack her father. She needed to remain calm. “Find
another mate for Petan. He has killed his last two mates. Will you see me
become the third?”
With a
quickness she hadn’t expected he moved around the desk. “Those foolish young
women refused to give him what he needs. You are stronger and were bred to do
this, just as your mother was.”
So he knew
of Petan’s tainted lines. Kalia drew a deep breath. Her fisted hands hung at
her sides. “I will refuse. That is my right. I’ve read the archived records.
From the first days when our people came to this land, mates were to be freely chosen.” She backed toward the
“You will
obey.” He stalked toward her.
“I would
rather die by the sword.”
She didn’t
expect his reaction. Like a striking snake his hand lashed out. The blow landed
on her face hard enough to send her back until she collided with the door.
“Do not defy
me.” He fisted his hands. “I will beat you senseless but you will accept Petan.
Go to your chamber and prepare for tomorrow. Do you understand?”
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