Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Tuesday's Writer's Tip - Plots in summary #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Plots #Necessity

 Been writing about Plots anf yhe many different ones for many months. Just a few things to clear up. A plot is necessary to a good story. There are as many plots , and some are nearly the same. Just a small point in  their journey changed and you have a different plot. What the writer must do is determine which plot serves the purpose.. Remember this "A plot is just a plan to take the characters from the beginning to the end

Monday, June 24, 2024

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Reading #Writing #Thoughts

 Meander1 - Reading - Have fallen behind lately and must get into the swing. Have 4 new form BWL and must read soon.

Meander 2 Thoughts - The heat is still with us and does somehow keep the mind from being alert. Am looking forward to the debate. Hope it gives good information,

Meander 3 - Writing -Going slowly with the typing.

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Sunday, June 23, 2024

Murder and Poisoned Tea is featured as Sunday's Book #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Mystery #Santa Fe #Kitten


The moment she hears his mastery of the organ, Katherine covets him as St. Stephen’s new Minister of Music. Handsome, charming and vastly talented, the women of the congregation adore him. Even Katherine is swayed by his manners and ability, But Roger not only brought beautiful music, he brings poisoned notes to the choir. Katherine seeks to find the secret of why he has changed churches yearly. She prays the discovery will be in time to prevent a tragedy.

The Mrs. Miller Mysteries series is a sheer delight. Miss Marple and Jessica Fletcher would love Katherine Miller. I know I do. ~~ Writer Gail Roughton

Reviewed in the United States on January 12, 2023
Readers if your into mystery’s. Janet Lane-Walters is exceptional writer. Her books are hard to put down when your reading them.
Reviewed in the United States on September 28, 2021
I love this series, though I seldom read cozies. I’m hooked on these books.
One person found this helpful

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Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saturday Books by Laura Strickland are featured at ecelcticwriter.blogspot.com #Historical #American Orphan train survivor


Amazon UK:


://www.amazon.co.uk/Wylder-Undertaking-West Book One:

Name: Slow Train to Nowhere: Sean

Author: Laura Strickland

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Genre: American Historical Romance

Publication May 15, 2024



When Sean Hussey returns to the town where he lived as a boy, it’s with revenge on his mind. He’s made a success of himself out west and intends to get even with the farmer under whose thumb he once suffered. He’ll show mercy only to the others who shared his fate in days gone by, especially sweet Jenny whose memory he still cherishes.

Sarah Rupert hasn’t had it easy growing up as a girl from the orphan train, and as a survivor of shocking abuse. Since the death of her husband, she’s had to support her young son by dubious means. When Sean Hussey comes back into her life it’s a miracle, because he’s the boy she always wanted for her own. Trouble is, Sean just may be in love with another woman.


Buy Links:

Amazon US:


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Book Two:

Name: A Walk on the Wylder Side

Author: Laura Strickland

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Genre: Western Historical Romance

Publication December 2, 2020


Outspoken, rebellious Cissy Arkwright was sent west from her Chicago home to work at a boarding house in Wylder, Wyoming. The last thing she expects is friendship with the handsome new boarder, a man with an air of danger and the power to make her smile.

Buck Standish is on the run from his past. He'd like to put aside the life of a gun-for-hire, especially once he meets Cissy. But experience tells him the past has a way of catching up, pistols in hand. He's lost his heart to Cissy—should he protect her by hitting the trail again? Or stay in Wylder and fight for their future?

Buy Link s:

Amazon US:


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Book Three:

Name: A Wylder Undertaking

Author: Laura Strickland

Publisher: The Wild Rose Press

Genre: Western Historical Romance

Publication March 3, 2021


When town undertaker Gus Wright accepts delivery of a client's fancy casket, he certainly doesn't expect to find a beautiful young woman hidden inside. And when she throws herself on his mercy, his gentlemanly nature kicks in. He offers assistance despite his suspicion there's trouble brewing.

On the run from a heist, Phoebe Corbet has a fortune in jewels following her, along with just a few pesky problems. If she can use Gus Wright as a refuge until her accomplice turns up, she'll do so. If she finds herself seduced by his unassuming manners and gentle kindliness, who could blame a girl? The tricky part will be convincing him there's a reason destiny has thrown them together.


Buy Links:

Amazon US:


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Barnes & Noble:






Friday, June 21, 2024

Friday - Laura Strickland is Visiting and talking about writing



What Were You Before

Day 1


1. What were you before you became an author? Did this influence your choices as a writer?

Before I was a writer, I was a reader, and this has influenced me enormously. Being fortunate enough to have an older sister who loved to read and who took me weekly to our local library, I learned at a young age to enter that world the author had created for me and become lost in a story. There was only one problem—when a story I loved came to an end, I wanted more, longed for more, and imagined more. By third grade, I figured out that if I wrote the story, it could go on for as long as I chose.

A little of all the stories I loved and the beautiful words that went into them became part of me and encouraged me to form ideas and worlds of my own. At a very fundamental level, we are what we read!


2. Are you genre specific or general? I don’t mean major genres but subdivisions of romance, mystery or paranormal.

I tend to be what I call a genre-hopper. I’ve written a variety of major and subdivisions of various genres, such as Western, Victorian, Highlander, Viking, Steampunk (all subdivisions of Historical Romance) and Contemporary/Rom Com. I think I do this because I begin feeling stifled if I write the same genre over and over again. Then the words don’t flow, so I begin something fresh. My latest release is an American Historical Romance, also a division of the Historical Romance genre.



3. What is your latest release?

My latest release is an American Historical, Slow Train to Nowhere: Sean. This is the first in a series of four books telling the stories of five children who came west on the orphan train in 1860, and ended up in the fictional town of Clabber Mills, Indiana. The stories take place when the children are grown, and show how they deal with the scars left by loss and separation, and of course find hope for their futures. Here’s the blurb:

When Sean Hussey returns to the town where he lived as a boy, it’s with revenge on his mind. He’s made a success of himself out west and intends to get even with the farmer under whose thumb he once suffered. He’ll show mercy only to the others who shared his fate in days gone by, especially sweet Jenny whose memory he still cherishes.

Sarah Rupert hasn’t had it easy growing up as a girl from the orphan train, and as a survivor of shocking abuse. Since the death of her husband, she’s had to support her young son by dubious means. When Sean Hussey comes back into her life it’s a miracle, because he’s the boy she always wanted for her own. Trouble is, Sean just may be in love with another woman.




4. What are you working on now?

I am currently working on a Historical Romance series set in the ancient Celtic world, which is one of my favorite places to be. I’ve delved way back to Ireland in the first century AD for the first book. The other four will be set in various ages of historical Scotland.


5. Does your reading choices influence your choice of a writing career?

Absolutely. I love to read far and wide, everything from Historical Fiction to Romantic Suspense, to Urban Fiction, to Mystery, to Young Adult. I even enjoy a good biography from time to time. What I’m reading at any given time depends on the mood I’m in. Since I love to write far and wide also, I do believe there’s a connection.



6. Where can we find you?

Author Web site: www.laurastricklandbooks.com

Author Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000002632317

Author Amazon page:  http://www.amazon.com/Laura-Strickland/e/B001KHSACW/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1

Author Goodreads page: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/760146.Laura_Strickland

Author Twitter:

Laura Strickland Author @LauraSt05038951

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/laurastricklandauthor/

BookBub author page https://www.bookbub.com/authors/laura-strickland

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Thursday - Murder and Mint Tea - the opening scene #BWLAuthor @MFRWAuthor #mystery #Cozy

             The pale winter sun shone through the kitchen window.  I cleaned up the last of the mess from my adventure.  The caper hadn’t gone as planned.  How many do?  In my many years of life, most of my plans had taken an unexpected turn.

            Merup.”  Robespierre, my Maine Coon cat, announced a visitor on the way.  He’s almost as good as a doorbell.  The firm rap on the door told me this wasn’t one of my female friends.  “Come in.”

            Pete Duggan strode across the room and thrust a bouquet of bright carnations into my hands.  A red hue, almost as vivid as his hair, stained his face.  “Mrs. Miller, got to hand it to you.  I’ve come to eat crow.”

            To hide a smile I buried my face in the flowers and inhaled the spicy fragrance.  “How about chocolate chip cookies and mint tea instead?”

            “Sounds great.”  He straddled one of the chairs at the table and picked up the local newspaper.  “Local Woman Thwarts Robbers.”  His grin made him look like the ten-year-old who had moved into the corner house on my block.  He cleared his throat.  “The guys at the station ribbed me about this.  Did you forget the plan?”

            How, when the idea to catch the real thieves had been mine?  A series of burglaries had plagued the neighborhood for months and had troubled me.  Especially when the police had decided two teenage neighbor boys were the culprits.  I knew the pair and had disagreed strongly enough to set myself up as a victim.  Then I informed Pete.

            “Did you forget?”  he repeated.  “When I crept up the stairs and saw you grappling with one of the men, I nearly had a heart attack.”

            Heat singed my cheeks.  “How was I to know my date would poop out early?”

            After filling two mugs with mint tea I opened a tin of freshly baked cookies.  How could I admit to a nagging doubt, or tell him I had wanted to be part of the action?  In July I had turned sixty-five and in September retired from the nursing staff at Tappan Zee Memorial Hospital.  Six months of placid existence had made me edgy.  Lunch with friends, coffee with the neighbors and weekly bridge games with old cronies bored me.  These events held none of the challenge of meeting crises at the hospital.

            Pete scowled.  “You could have gone to the Prescott's house.”

            “They’re away.”  I sipped the tea and savored the cool mint flavor.

            “The Randal’s’ then.”  He pulled the other mug across the table.  “The guys insist the two of us make one perfect cop.  Want to 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Bast's Warrior - The Heroine #MFRWHooks #BWLAuthor #Paranormal #time travel #alternate Egypt

 Join the authors at #MFRWHooks here http://mfrwbookhooks.blogspot.com  for some great excerpts.  Mine is found at wwweclecticwriter.blogspot.com and features Bast's Warrior.

Tira flees a threat to her life and encounters two elderly women who offer her the chance to be sent to an alternate ancient Egypt with no thought of return. She has had a fascination with Egypt and can even read hieroglyphics. Once there she will be given a task. Failure could mean death. Dare she take the chance and can she find the lost symbols of the rule before an enemy finds them?

Kashe, son of the nomarch of Mero is in rebellion. His father desires him to join the priesthood of Aken Re, a foreign god. He feels he belongs to Horu, god of warriors and justice. He decides to leave home, meets Tira and joins her in the search for the symbols of the rule. Will his aid bring good fortune and will their growing love keep them from making a fatal mistake?

Previously published as The Warrior of Bast

"This engaging voyage into an ancient Egypt that includes power-hungry priests and hazardous treasure hunts entertains from page one. Familial intrigue heightens the tension, as does a kidnapping or two. The cast of characters is dynamic and complements the well-conceived plot." ~ 4 Stars, Susan Mobley, Romantic Times Magazine


Tira cast her dream self aside and donned the role of practical sister. She hurried to the exit and stepped from the past into a steamy August day. Heat shimmered from the sidewalk. The air hung heavy and filled with the odors of the city and the noises of traffic. She strode along the crowded area taking advantage of every opening.

Ten days to dream. Ten days to walk the halls of the museum. Ten days to study the artifacts that had become her lodestones. She breathed the aromas of real time, spices of cooking foods, metallic scents of passing traffic and the odors of people, some pleasant and some not.

Several blocks from the apartment building the crowds thinned. In an alley she glimpsed furtive movements in the dark shadows. She hurried past. On the corner across the street a group of gang members gathered. She sucked in a breath and held her head high. For all her twenty three years she’d avoided the gangs. As she strode past she heard the usual crude remarks about her body and her attitude.

Get a life, she wanted to scream.

When she saw the ambulance and two cop cars in front of the building where she lived she halted so abruptly she stumbled. A hand caught her arm. Tira saw the gray-streaked beard of one of the winos who slept in the doorways or the alley. “Get your hands off me.”

“Don’t go home,” he whispered. “Lose yourself in the crowd and keep your head down.”

Tira saw a keen intelligence in the man’s dark eyes. Who was he? He wasn’t as old as she had imagined either. “Why?”

“Your sister’s dead. Cops’ll be looking for you. They heard about the fight.”

Tira’s stomach clenched. She blinked away a rush of tears. Though hearing about her sister’s death wasn’t unexpected another dream shattered. There would be no rehab for Luci. “Junkies O.D. every day,” she said.

“She was murdered.”

A chill slithered down Tira’s spine. A rush of acid burned her throat. What? Why? Who? Keeping her eyes on the ground she inched away from him.

“Murder. Murder.” The murmured word spread through the crowd gathered on the sidewalk and stung like attacking wasps.

The EMTs wheeled a gurney from the building. When Tira saw the body bag strapped to the frame her nails bit into her palms. Despite the heat of the day she felt chilled. A wave of guilt made her knees buckle. She stuffed her fist against her mouth to keep from crying aloud.

What now, she wondered. The apartment was a crime scene. Until the cops finished their investigation she wouldn’t be allowed inside. An officer stepped from the building. “More along, folks. There’s nothing to see here.” He stepped from the stoop. “Anyone seen her sister? We have some questions for her.”

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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Tuesday Books by Janice Seagraves are featured today on Blurbs #MFRWAuthor #Romance #Paranormal

 Out of this world stories that will leave you breathless

Thank you.

Sincerely, Janice Seagraves

Out of this world stories that will leave you breathless

Still free on Kindle Unlimited my paranormal romance: Year of the cat

I've launched my Chronicles of Arcon series. The first three books are on kindle unlimited.
The Arcons are coming are you ready?

Janice Seagraves
Published author of breathless life-affirming novels that celebrate enduring love.





On Sunday, March 31, 2024 at 07:12:55 AM PDT, Janet Walters <shadyl717@aol.com> wrote:

Janice, I can put you down for June 24 and 25. Do you remember you're up on April 5 and 6, also. I have no problems with having guests every month, Janet. Directions for the June bit.




c1. Tell me about your latest release or the book you wish to feature? Genre?


2. Where did the idea arise?


3. How much research was involved? Did you stay on point or be distracted by wanting to look at just one more thing?


4. How long did you take to write the book?


5. Now a bit about you. How long have you been writing? What is your Sun Sign?


6. Do you write in a number of genres of stick to one?


7. Where on the internet can you be found?



Day 2

 Give the blurbs and buy marks for three of your books.

On Saturday, March 30, 2024 at 06:37:51 PM EDT, Janice Seagraves <janiceseagraves@yahoo.com> wrote:

Okay. Can you set me up in June?

Thank you.

Sincerely, Janice Seagraves

Out of this world stories that will leave you breathless

Still free on Kindle Unlimited my paranormal romance: Year of the cat

I've launched my Chronicles of Arcon series. The first three books are on kindle unlimited.
The Arcons are coming are you ready?