Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Sacrifice Plot - Building Steps #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #writing #plots #sacrifice

 Like all plots, the Sacrifice one has three levels to develop. During the first phase the character who is to sacrifice is introduced and shwon to the readers. Both good points and bad points are show, As his or her character are developed, motivations must be found and explored. There are reasons to be shown to the reader and help to define the character and the sacrifice. The price of the sacrifice is always high. After all, self-preservation is important to most  everyone. That's what has to give. Then comes the sacrifice. How does this effect your character/ How do the other characters react to the sacrifice? Also consider if the sacrifice has  done what it was meant to be. Don't make the character who has sacrificed into a saint. The reasons aren't all good.

My Places








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