Monday, December 11, 2023

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #reading #Writing #Thoughts

 Meander 1 - Reading -- Been reading Regencies lately. Mary Balogh and others. Fun books. Began SaintCamber - read many years ago when it first came out in paper. Enjoying visiting with old literature friends.

Meander 2 - Thoughts - My thoughts are troubling lately. I have been a supporter of the president since before the elections. This stuff with Gaza and not calling for a permanent truce bothers me. Yes, bad things happened in Israle but now worse things are happening in Gaza. So many dead and there seems to be no stopping among the invading troops. There needs to be a truce and help for those people who never asked for this on either side.

Meander 3 - Writing - Statred the Horror Writer's Demise. Not much done, perhaps 150 words but starting the Rough draft always goes slowly in the beginning.

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