Friday, October 27, 2023

Friday - The current trend of writing in present tense #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #writing #first person #present tense

 Today is a free day on the blog since I had no takers for an interview. I decided to write abotu something that bothers me. I enjoy books written in first person. I believe this is great for mysteries, especially the cozy kind. But I've been reading some that totally turn me off. They are written in present tense. For me for a story to be written means it ahs taken place already. Being in present tense, I am constantly rewriting in my head. I talked to a friend about this. She agreed with me. It hasn't been mysteries she's been reading but more romance. She and I both thing first person present tense love scenes make us uncomfortable and like vouyers looking in places where we don't want to be. What is your opinion here?

This style of writing makes me feel creepy and I strongly dislike it

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