Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Horu's Chosen #MFRWHooks #BWLAuthor #romance #alternate ancient Egypt #swords #sorcery


Join the authors at MFRWHooks here
for some great excerpts. Mine is found at and is from Horu's Chosen, an alternate ancient Egypt story.


Seth, an undercover cop has been betrayed by his handler. To escape he calls a number on a flyer and is transported to an ancient Egypt he doesn’t understand. He must rescue the Daughter from the evil priests of Aken Re.

Merin is the Daughter. She must find the man who by wedding her will become Pharaoh. She plots to escape the priests of Aken Re and flee to those who years ago saved her life.

Can Seth and Merin find a way to defeat the priests? Is love the answer to their problems? Can they join with the Warrior of Bast and of Horu to bring unity to the Two Lands?

RT Review
Following on the heels of The Warrior of Bast, this story is filled with magic and fascinating characters. Those interested in ancient Egypt will find this an enthralling tale. A satisfying ending is presented for the hero and heroine, with a promising lead-in to the next story.


Seth pocketed the phone. He crept from the alley and caught the first bus to arrive. Several changes later he reached his destination. As he mounted the steps of the brownstone his cell vibrated. He checked the number. No way would he answer. Let Bob Tolena and the priest wonder and worry. He dropped the phone and crushed it with his heel. Then he knocked in the sequence he’d been given.

The door opened to reveal an elderly woman with dark eyes and steel-gray hair. “How can I help you?”

Though Seth felt foolish he recalled the words he’d read on the flyer. “Need an escape. The answer is in my stars.”

She moved aside for enough for him to enter and led him down a hall where bright photographs caught his attention. He paused before one showing a hawk soaring over golden sand. He touched the bird with a finger.

“So that’s the one to interest you. Why?”

“The hawk is free.”

“And you?”

“Trapped and betrayed. I must escape.” Or at least hide here until I can come up with a plan.

“Join my sister and me for a meal. We were about to eat.”

“Don’t want to put you to any bother.”

“We have plenty. While we eat you can tell us about yourself and why you’re here.”

They entered a large room. On one wall he saw a large double wheel. When he looked closer he saw the object was a giant horoscope chart. Had he wandered into some New Age establishment?

A second woman, less gray and wrinkled, brought several bowls to the table. Seth helped himself to wild rice and a chicken and vegetable dish. His cup held a tea flavored with mint.

Though Seth had intended to speak only of the past two years since he’d become a cop and gone undercover, tales of his early days emerged. The loss of his mother, his grandmother’s bitterness and the multiple foster homes found light.

Until Pete and Marge Blaine had taken a troubled teen into their home and encouraged him to hit the books he’d been lost. Their deaths in a car accident two weeks before his graduation from the academy had made him an easy recruit for the seamy side of life.

For some reason during his investigation of Ramos and the man’s focus on Tira’s sister, Seth had come to see Tira as one willing to work hard to escape poverty. Amara was another who needed an escape. Three orphans, all misfits and in danger. He placed his fork on the plate. “A friend, Tira, came here and vanished.”

The older of the women nodded. “She came and found the place where she was needed and she thrives.”

Would the same thing happen for him? Dare he hope? He drew a deep breath. “Is there a place for me?”

The second woman rose. She filled a glass with a dark red liquid and set it before him. “Tell us when you were born. Try to give the time to the closest minute.”

He knew the time. Every day until her death his grandmother had told him of the day he’d caused his mother’s death. She’d called the death “God’s Punishment.” “August fourth at six twenty-five AM.”

The oldest woman took his hand. “You are a Leo, a ruler born. Energetic and proud. You place your faith and trust in others. When they betray you, you feel anger and this keeps you from trusting others. You can infuse people with courage.” She walked to the wheel on the wall. The other woman joined her.

My Places



Buy Mark My Places



Ornery Owl of Naughty Netherworld Press and Readers Roost said...

This sounds like a fascinating and suspenseful read.

Kate Hill said...

The two women have definitely caught my interest!

Lisabet Sarai said...

Another great excerpt from this book. I definitely need to check this one out.