Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Tuesday's Writer's Tip Off Center Edings #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #wriring #Endings

 When the ending in ineffective, the reader will cast the book aside and thing hoohum. They may or may not read that writer again. How do you know if your ending is off center.

Since the last scene brings the reader to a satisfactory ending this is an important as the beginning. The writer may have changed the focus. The characters that should be there for the ending are present. But the writer has picked the final confrontation between the wrong two characters. The writer forgot which of the characters had the most to gain or lose in that final scene. One of the characters who has the most to win or lose is off being an observer. Not a good idea.

So what to do. Give that person a way to help win or lost the confrontation. That means changing the focus of the scene.

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