Monday, September 30, 2019
Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWAuthor #BWLAuthor #Poem #Interesting times #Writing
Meander 1 Poem -- Grandfather --
I close my eyes and again I see
Your body lying lime a waxen doll,
A manikin imitating life'
You are not there.
Of this I know.
At six I know you are not there.
I go into the street to search
For a sign of my playmate, companion.
Into the faces of old men
I look. I thought I saw you
But I was fooled.
You are in the big toy chest
Like the one in the attic
Where we used to play.
My grief is never soothed
Only stored away.
Meander 2 - Interesting times. There's what I consider a curse and maybe a prediction - May you live in interesting times. I'm not sure I enjoy being here when all seems to be falling apart around us. Living in a time when selfish people will do anything to get their way. There's o much anger floating in the air. There is politics, scandals, climate falling apart and so much to worry about. Hopefully someday these times will be history. Let's hope to live in boring times.
Meander 3 - The WIP is progressing rather rapidly but not rapidly enough. I always get behind in typing and I must put more chapters into print so I can start the next draft. Three moreplus part of one and the book will be done, Fortunately I'm not to the point of hating it yet and that's good.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Sunday's Book Murder and Bitter Tea Janet Lane Walters #MFRWAuthor #BWLAuthor #Cozy mystery #Hudson River

How the idea for this book came about was one of a number of things I'd read and seen in the mystery series I love to watch. I'd been heard about "angels of mercy" who were anything but. Nurses or other medical personnel who killed patients for a variety of insane reasons. my mind began to turn over and over with this idea. Then there was a story on TV about a killer hired to rid the world of people so their heirs could collect inheritances. The idea turned over andover. Then my husband was in a nursing home for a few months while recovering and things began to click. Suddenly Katherine's wealthy friend was in an exclusive nursing home. During a visit, Katherine hears something that triggers her fears. So I made her go sort of undercover though her policeman friend doesn't know at first. Thus the story began and there were a few twists and turns that jumped in. The story was a really fun one to write.
Katherine’s newest tenant is estranged from her family and is the granddaughter of one of Katherine’s friends. When her friend falls and fractures her hip, the elderly woman is taken to Hudson House nursing home, an exclusive house.
Katherine’s friend becomes concerned about several recent and unexpected deaths. When she dies Katherine’s curiosity and suspicions send her undercover as a nurse. Soon she’s deeply involved.
Can she learn who is behind the scheme to end the lives of wealthy patients without becoming a victim?
Bitter Tea,
Janet Lane Walters,
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Saturday's Blurbs Featuring Books by Kim Mc Mahill #MFRWAuthor #Adventure #Suspense

Thank you for giving me an opportunity to share a bit about my
Risky Research Series. Book 1, is A Does of Danger, book 2 is A
Taste of Tragedy, and book 3 is A Foundation of Fear, which
was just released this past spring. I also have a perma-free prequel novelette
to the series, A Formidable Foe, which gives readers a little insight
into what makes one of the series’ protagonist tick. Here’s a bit more about
the first three novels in the Series
researcher Grace Talbot and her team discover a possible solution for weight
loss, they are targeted by a group dedicated to controlling a diet product
industry worth billions. Her unsanctioned testing methods bring tragedy to the
family ranch and the attention of the local sheriff’s deputy. With her
colleagues either dead, missing, or on the run she soon realizes she must trust
the deputy with her life, but can she trust him with her heart?
Amazon Buy link (also available at B&N, Kobo, and
Apple Books):
Amazon Buy link (also available at B&N, Kobo, and
Apple Books):
Special Agent Devyn Nash is obsessed with taking down Coterie, a deadly group
out to control the multi-billion-dollar diet product industry. The FBI’s plan
to expose Coterie places Devyn’s best friend and her partner’s fiancé in the
crosshairs of this ruthless organization. Can Devyn protect her friend and
bring the coldblooded killers to justice before they strike again while distracted
by injury, a sexist bully, and a long-distance relationship with a handsome
Wyoming sheriff?
and Coterie assassin Sofia Wilks wants nothing more than to regain control of
her life. Sofia knows Agent Nash is nipping at her heels, but the FBI agent
isn’t the worst of her fears. She is drawn to a man who has the power to
destroy her.
Amazon Buy link (also available at B&N, Kobo, and
Apple Books):
Bio only if you want/need it:
Kim McMahill
grew up in Wyoming which is where she developed her sense of adventure and love
of the outdoors. She started out writing non-fiction, but her passion for
exotic world travel, outrageous adventures, stories of survival, and
happily-ever-after endings soon drew her into a world of romantic suspense and
adventure fiction. Along with writing novels Kim has also published over eighty
travel and geographic articles, and contributed to a travel story anthology.
Kim currently resides in Colorado, and when not writing, she enjoys gardening,
traveling, hiking, and spending time with family.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Friday Kim McMahill is visiting. Talking about Who She Was Before #MFRWAuthor #Suspense #National Park Service #Adventure #Suspense
What were
you in life before you became a writer? Did this influence your choices as a
writer? I have, and still do, work for the National Park Service. When my
husband and I first started out, he would be gone for up to 21 days at a time
fighting wildfires. We lived in a cabin with no phone or television, so I took
the opportunity to get all the stories in my head down on paper, and have never
looked back.
Are you
genre specific or general? I’m fairly genre specific in that I primarily write
adventure/suspense, but some books can be further defined as western,
dystopian, and crime fiction.
What is
your latest release? My latest release is A Foundation of Fear, the third novel
in the Risky Research Series.
What am I
working on now? I recently submitted the fourth novel in the series, A Measure
of Madness to my publisher. While I wait to hear back, I’m sketching out the
plan for book five.
Did your
reading influence your choice of a writing career? Yes, I’ve always loved to
read, and I primarily only watch movies, in the adventure and suspense genres.
My favorite authors are James Rollins and Clive Cussler (I particularly love
the Dirk Pitt series).
Where can
we find you?
Kim McMahill,
Who She Was before
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Thursday More characters who appear in these books - Murder and Tainted Tea - Janet Lane Walters #MFRWAuthor #BWLAuthor #Mystery #Santa Fe
In this the third book of the series, are some characters who will appear in other books. Among them is Lars who started as a name and had a growing role. Here he steps into the light.
Before you get to meet Lars, another Maine Coon Cat appears and will be seen in at least one more book. This is Rose Prairie, named because Lars' granddaughter can't say Robespierre/
Before you get to meet Lars, another Maine Coon Cat appears and will be seen in at least one more book. This is Rose Prairie, named because Lars' granddaughter can't say Robespierre/
A plaintive cry rose from the carrier on the front
passenger’s seat. When the cry rose to a shrill pitch, I tapped on the mesh.
“Don’t blame me. My cat made me do it.”
Actually, a small girl’s fascination with Robespierre
had led me to select my howling companion. The kitten’s wails grew louder.
“Your brother wouldn’t protest so vocally.”
Robespierre seldom voices an opinion. He has other
methods of communication. To gain attention he butts with his head and to show
disapproval when he’s been banished, he’s been known to trash my bedroom.
Bringing a kitten from my Hudson River village to Santa Fe wasn’t among my
greatest ideas. From the moment we’d arrived at the airport in Albuquerque , the kitten
had loudly protested. Stroking and cajoling had had very little effect on the
creature’s unhappiness. She wanted out of the cage, but I wasn’t willing to let
a kitten free to roam around the car.
Lars' son and granddaughter also appear in other books. Here's a bit about them.
Megan, clad in a bright pink puffy jacket, dropped her
father’s hand and ran up the walk. “Told you she come.”
Don reached us and hugged me. Warmth infused my thoughts.
I believed we’d moved beyond accord.
“Aunt Katherine, you look wonderful.”
The spicy scent of his aftershave was a welcome
addition to the sterile air of the deserted house. “You look great and Megan
has grown.”
The dark-haired child danced around us. Her blue eyes
sparkled with excitement. She pointed to the carrier. “That’s a suitcase for
pets. You bring Rose Prairie. Let me see him.”
Momentarily I pushed my concern for Lars aside. No
need to upset Megan, especially since she’d lost her mother just eight months
ago. “He didn’t come this trip.” I looked at Don. “You may hate me when you see
what I’ve done.”
“Never.” He ran his fingers through his hair, a color
between blond and brown. “Never hated you. Back then I let my sister run my
life.” He closed the door.
I opened the carrier and lifted the kitten. “This is
who I brought.”
“Rose Prairie, you shrink.” Megan’s blue eyes widened
and she touched the kitten’s brown, white and sable fur. “Him soft.”
“This is Robespierre’s baby sister. Thought you might
like to take care of her.”
“Me! Daddy, can I?”
“Yes.” Don met my gaze. “Thanks. This is the most
animated she’s been since Ramona...” Sadness clouded his blue eyes.
I grasped his hand. “The kitten will help Megan with
her grief. Rose Prairie has had all her shots and you won’t have to worry about
“Bless you.”
“Megan, why don’t you take the kitten to the sunroom
and let her run? I need to talk to your dad.” Ever since they’d entered the
house, I’d wanted to blurt what I’d found, but my concern for Megan had stopped
my tongue.
“What’s wrong?” He trailed me to the living room. “Where’s
“Hoped you would know. When I arrived the gate was
open. So was the front door.” I halted in the archway to the dining room. “This
is what I found. Looks like he left in a rush.”
Don frowned. “That’s not like Dad. Maybe he went to
the office.”
“His car’s outside.”
“He could be at Bonnie’s.” He put his hand on my arm. “She’s
planning a bash for New Year’s Eve and might have needed his advice.”
“Call her.”
Don did. The housekeeper said Bonnie was out.
“What now?” I asked.
“Maybe Carl drove him to the office.”
That explanation didn’t quell the fear that had grown
steadily since my arrival. Was Lars’ disappearance linked somehow to the
problem he’d spoken of in vague terms last night? He’d mentioned his dead
daughter-in-law. Had he learned Ramona’s death hadn’t been an accident but was
part of something more sinister?
I wasn’t ready to ask Don those questions. I wasn’t
sure I wanted to know anything other than Lars was all right.
Now here's a bit of Lars.
“Lars.” I crossed to the examining table.
“Not the welcome I planned.” He clasped my hands. “How
was your trip? Good thing I wasn’t meeting you.”
Tears welled in my eyes. “I’m so glad you’re all right.
What happened?”
“Sure wish I knew.”
While he spoke, I assessed his physical appearance. He
looked exhausted, but he held himself erect. There was a small bandage on his
left arm where they must have drawn blood. His eyes were slightly unfocused and
the pupils seemed smaller than normal. His speech had a slurred edge.
A thirtyish dark-haired doctor stepped around the
curtain. He flashed a toothy smile. “Mr. Claybourne, I see your friend has
arrived, but I really think you should spend the night.”
“No need. Feel fine.” Lars crossed his arms over his
chest. “Kate’s a nurse. She’ll know what to do if I have a problem. Your uncle
wouldn’t argue with me about leaving.”
I frowned. Did Lars distrust this young man’s medical
knowledge or was there another reason for the anger I heard in Lars’ voice?
“Doctor, could I speak to you for a moment? I have a
few questions.”
I followed him away from Lars’ cubicle. “What do you
think happened?”
He shrugged. “Possibly a TIA. Could have been a small
stroke, though nothing showed on the scan. He was found wandering the streets. A
cab driver brought him here. By the time I arrived, he was oriented times three.
Other than some bruising on his upper arms, he’s fine.”
“His pressure?”
“One twelve over seventy-four.”
“Hardly in stroke range. Did you order a blood alcohol
and a tox screen?”
My Places
Buy Mark
Janet Lane Walters,
Tainted Tea,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Wednesday Meet the Opposition #MFRWHooks #BWLAuthor #Medical romance

Join the writers at #MFRWHooks here for some great excerpts. Meet the opposition to the hero and heroine of Romancing the Nurse
Ginny’s new job as patient care coordinator at a suburban hospital is a dream come true. She can raise her daughter and young niece away from the city.
The older orthopedic surgeon who recruited her helps make the move easier. His stroke brings his son, another surgeon home to take over his father’s practice. Unfortunately, Ginny remembers him from an evening encounter at the city hospital where she worked. They had words. He also remembers that night.
They clash but beneath the anger, there is an attraction. Blake wants her in his bed and attempts to romance her. Then he discovers he wants her forever and must eat a lot of crow.

Excerpt 1
"Have you forgotten the incident that occurred several months before I arrived? Isn't the hospital being sued? A nurse with orthopedic training would have recognized the problem before permanent damage occurred." Ginny met Carol's icy glare with one of her own. "Dr. Marshall recommended the course begin ASAP."
"He won't be here to teach and I've heard he plans to retire." Carol leaned forward. "He wants the classes because his partnership is involved in the suit."
"Perhaps you're right, but he also sees the need." Ginny clutched the papers. "I don't think he'll retire."
"You would know, wouldn't you?"
Carol's sly smile and the tone of her voice made Ginny grit her teeth. Silently, she repeated the advice she had given herself before she entered the room. Calm, she would remain calm.
"You never met Dr. Marshall's wife," Carol said. "Beth was a pediatrician. Such a lovely and caring woman. Dr. Marshall adored her. Until recently, he's been faithful to her memory."
Carol's words rubbed like an emery board. Ginny counted to ten. "Dr. Marshall and I worked on this project because we're concerned with the efficiency of the unit and the quality of nursing care. The other orthopedic surgeons, except Dr. Simon, have volunteered to teach a class."
Anger flashed in Carol's eyes. "You can't expect them to pick up the slack." She laughed. "Do you really think his son will step in? He's right out of a residency and you know how territorial young doctors are."
Though Ginny hadn't found that to be true, Carol might be right about Blake Marshall. "I'm sure he'll want to help his father."
Ginny glanced at her watch. Only twenty minutes had passed but she felt like she'd been on the grill for hours. "I hope I've answered your concerns. I need to get back to the unit and give out the schedules."
Carol swiveled her chair to face the window. "Some of your staff is unhappy about the classes and at least one has threatened to quit. I hope you won't be sorry."
The words sounded like a threat. Who was Carol acting for? Tomorrow at lunch, she'd ask Nan about the assistant D.O.N. How had such an unpleasant woman reached the position she held?
Excerpt 2
Though Ginny wanted to inform him that Lisa was only a staff nurse, this wasn't the time. She walked to the desk where the younger nurse waited for report.
"Do you have any idea who they are?" Lisa asked.
"Mrs. Smith is a patient."
"They're just about the richest people in Hudson View. When we belonged to the country club, my dad golfed with him." Bitterness tinged her voice. "I baby-sat for their kids a number of times. You know, when their son was a patient on Peds, every nurse got a Gucci watch. Maybe we'll be as lucky."
Ginny shook her head. "We'll give Mrs. Smith the best care we can with no thought of a reward. Is that clear?"
Lisa grabbed the chart. "I've got to take care of these orders."
"Just a minute," Ginny said. "In the future, don't take it on yourself to decide who will or won't be moved. That's not part of your job description. Aren't you due for an evaluation soon?"
"Don't threaten me."
"I'm not. Your evaluation will reflect the facts." Ginny strode away.
Betty Tawser followed her. "If you have time, we can talk now."
"Let me get us coffee. How do you like yours?"
"Hot and black."
"A woman after my own taste."
My Places
Buy Mark
Janet Lane Walters,
Romancing the Nurse,
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Tuesday's Writer's Tip - Looking at your characters' motivations #MFRWAuthor #BWLPublishing #amwriting #motivation
Every character needs a reason for their actions, reactions and desires. Making sure the motivation is a strong one is essential to great story telling. Discovering each character's motivation can be easy or it can be hard. All the major characters need a strong motive for doing and saying what they do. This includes the hero, the heroine and the villain, even if the villain doesn't have a viewpoint section in the story. Some of the secondary characters also need a motivation. Theirs can be strong but more siple than those of the major characters. Usually they are to help or hinder one of the other characters. What about those minor characters, ones who are more like walkons. Their only motivation would be their reason for being in the scene. The waiter or waitress to deliver the meal. Just make sure they follow their reason and don't interfere in the scene unless there's a reason for this. The reason should be one the reader can see.
Things to ask that can give a hint toward motivation. What did he or she mean by that action? Why did he or she say a particular thing?
Remember in real life we can't read another person's mind but we can speculate as to why they act or speak a certain way. The question of motivation will go unanswered. But in fiction, the writer must know the reason for the characters to behave in a certain manner and the reader needs to see the reason.
A character's motivations have two purposes.
1. to define actions
2. to fit the plot
You wouldn't put a canracter bent on destruction of another person in a light-hearted romance. This is the sort of thing you must consider when writing your story.
So we'll be looking a ways to make sure the motivation for your characters is strong. Weak motivations make the readers turn away from the story.
My Places
Buy Mark
Motivationa. Janet Lane Walters,
Monday, September 23, 2019
Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWAuthor #BWLAuthor #Poem #Writing #Preparing #Class
Meander 1 Poem - Harbinger --
She comes into the room
A nurse -- white uniform
fadin smile on tightened lips.
A sideways glance
Perhaps in measurement
Of how you'd fit a coffin.
Her fingers, brightened tips,
Bloodied with red bright polish.
Her floral scent invades the room,
An entire garden comes with her
To test your lungs.
Painted mast, her face,
Fluttering eyelashes
Flick her glance on everything but you.
Cousin of Florence Nightengale
Bur surely daughter to Sairy Gamp.
Meander 2 - Preparing for a Class - I'll be teaching a class on line for writing next month and I've finally started to get things in order for that. The first lesson is nearly planned but I must get cracking so I don't end up doing this last minute. Would like to have at least three done before I start but would like to have all done. We will see.
Meander 3 - Writing- Am beyond the halfway point of the sceond or Plot draft of the book. Won't finish it before the months ends but soon afterwards. Then it's time to sit back and mark places where I need to hype up the setting material and also to make sure the characters are reacting on an emotional level. Then it will be on to the last write and the final revision. Hopefully by the beginning of November I'll have it ready to go. The pub date is December.
My Places
Buy Mark
Janet Lane Walters,
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Sunday's Book Murder and Tainted Tea Janet Lane Walters #MFRWAuthor #BWLAuthor #Cozy mystery #Santa Fe

This story in Katherine's life shows two things. Her guilt over the murders at the church and her developing relationship with Lars. Aftera visit to Santa Fe while my husband attended a conference, I took time to explore the city and found it fascinating. Always wanted to put it in a book. I had also decided to move Katherine into unfamiliar territory and remembered Lars lived in Santa Fe for part of the year. What better time to take her there than for a New Year's Eve party. When I began the book, I had no idea how convoluted it would become. Katherine arrives in Santa Fe to find Lars missing. I had no idea why he had been sort of kidnapped. As I rough drafted the story all became muddier until it became clear. I was certainly glad to bring Katherine home again and continue the romance in other books.
Katherine heads to Santa Fe, New Mexico along with a Maine Coon Cat kitten to spend New Year’s Eve with Lars. Her guilty feelings over the organist’s death has her needing an escape. When she reaches Santa Fe, she discovers Lars is missing. She seeks and finds him and steps into another mystery.
Lars’ daughter dislikes Katherine but when the young woman is kidnapped, they are puzzled. The murder of Lars’ daughter and one of his employees makes solving the mysteries necessary. Can she learn before Lars becomes a victim.
Editorial Review
With every book, I think the Katherine Miller Mysteries can't get any better. I'm always wrong, because they always do. ~ Writer Gail Roughton
October 14, 2017
Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase
What a fun read. Well written and I love the cat!
Can't wait to read more.
Another book keeping me right on the edge of my seat. I thoroughly enjoyed this one and cannot wait to read the next BOOKLOVER64 on June 14, 2017- My PlacesBuy Mark
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Saturday's Blurbs features Books By Gianna Simone #MFRWAuthor #Vikings #Paranormal #Historical

Norseman’s Revenge, The Norsemen Sagas, Book 1 (Coming soon in audiobook!)
* Kidnapped on her wedding night might be a blessing from the gods. *
Geira Sorensdotter awaits her new husband, but she's filled with doubts about the man and the marriage. Those doubts are forgotten when the village is attacked, her husband is struck down and she is tied up and carried off amidst the raid.
Kori Thorfinnson has waited years to take revenge against the man who murdered his wife. But he soon finds the innocent young woman he's taken as his personal slave is not his enemy, despite her marriage to his foe. Her courage in defying him, her caring heart, and the fiery passion she shares stirs feelings Kori hasn't known since his wife died. Afraid to lose Geira, he binds her to him in many ways – not only with rope, but with his body, his collar and his brand.
Geira quickly learns just how despicable her husband was, and despite her difficult circumstances, grows to care deeply for Kori, her captor. Still, dreams of freedom linger. But once she finds herself with child, she must plan her escape, to save herself and her baby.
However, Kori has plans of his own.
** Contains explicit love scenes featuring A Kinky Twist on History! bondage, spanking, ménage à trois scenes and more!
Warrior's Possession, Medieval Warrior’s Legends series, Book 1
** Wed on the King's Command, She Finds an Unexpected Passion! **
Upon her father's death, Lady Gillian Marlowe is ordered by King Edward I to wed Royce Langley, the Earl of Montchester. Worried she is being offered up as little more than a sacrifice in a political game, Gillian is surprised to find herself intrigued by her arrogant and infuriating husband.
Tasked with ridding the border along Wales of rebels who seek to unseat the king, Royce finds subterfuge and secrets everywhere, even with his beautiful wife. Though he only agreed to the marriage because of the king's order, he finds himself both fascinated and incensed by Gillian at every turn. She tries his patience, defies his orders and places herself in danger. To keep her in line, he spanks her, binds her to his bed and dominates and torments her, not only to ensure her submission, but also to coerce her into revealing her secrets. But even that is not enough to subdue her stubborn determination to stand beside him and defend her home and people.
Discovering his wife enjoys the same dark pleasures Royce does stirs more confusion. He has sworn never to fall for a woman's wiles, but his wife captivates him in ways he never expected and she stirs a desire deeper than any he has ever known. Trusting her is another matter, as he fears Gillian may bring about his downfall with her continued secrets, which he views as an attempt to undermine his authority.
The rebel attacks increase and danger lurks everywhere. Gillian falls under suspicion as the traitor, despite her vows of loyalty. Royce must overcome his mistrust and find a way to maintain his possession of Gillian as they battle the enemies both within and without, if there is any hope for them to save each other.
** Featuring A Kinky Twist on History! Includes male domination, bondage, spanking, and so much more!
In the Pureblood’s Arms, The Magiste Chronicles Book 4 (Free on KU!)
** He saved her from certain death, but is he more dangerous – to her heart? **
In 13th century France, attacked by those carrying out the Papal Inquisition, Magiste Enchantress Chantal Belliveau is thankful for rescue from certain torture and death. But she never expected her savior to be Henri Marchand, one of a powerful pureblooded line of ancient Magiste, the Zyndevines, known for their practice of dark magic. Henri holds the key to her survival, but the danger he poses to her heart and soul could be even more perilous.
Despite his dark lineage, Henri is part of Il Resistasse, a handful of powerful Magiste fighting the atrocities the Catholic Church inflicts on their race. Saving Chantal becomes more than a simple rescue - the innocent young woman with half-trained powers enchants him more than he has ever been before. That she enjoys the dark side of pleasure he inflicts makes him question his determination to never give another his heart.
Chantal is horrified when Henri invokes an ancient spell, the Possede Puissant. The incantation leaves her little more than his possession. While she finds herself enjoying his dark and wicked sensual delights, she determines to free herself. Yet, the security she finds with Henri encourages her to stay by his side, claiming spell or not.
Resentment from Henri's family convinces Chantal she must ultimately break free of Henri's possession. When the Inquisitors attack, Henri convinces Chantal to embark on a journey to a new land, a journey that may well mean the survival of the entire Magiste race but the loss of her freedom forever.
** Contains explicit Magically Kinky! love scenes of the paranormal kind, including magical sex toys, potions, bondage, spanking and more!
Gianna Simone,
Friday, September 20, 2019
Friday Gianna Simone is Visiting And Talking about Writing #MFRWAuthors #Vikings #Paranormal #Historical
Day One
1. Do you write a single genre or do your fingers flow over the keys creating tales in many forms?
I primarily write in the historical and paranormal/fantasy categories, and I even combine those two whenever possible. I really love writing in some of my favorite historic periods. Plus, I tend to be on the lazy side, so I love to imagine what it’s like to have magic make life easier! lol
Does your reading choices reflect your writing choices?
I do tend to prefer reading historicals, and like in my writing, am I partial to the Dark Ages and Medieval eras. I am way behind though, the TBR pile/list keeps getting longer, but someday, I’ll catch up (said no reader ever).
Are there genres you wouldn’t attempt?
I definitely would not attempt any inspirational/spiritual stories. It’s not who I am and I don’t think I can portray it well.
2. Heroes, Heroines, Villains. Which are your favorite to write?
Well, since my heroes tend to have borderline villainous behavior, some more than others, writing heroes is kind of like the best of both worlds! My heroes are basically good guys, who have been driven to behave the way they do because of past events. Most of the time they’re a bit stubborn, you know, typical men, and it takes them time to admit what they knew all along.
As for villains, well, they’re fun to write, especially if I can make them especially vile. And then I usually get to kill them! lol
I hate saying heroines last, but honestly, they are the ones who come the easiest to me, and I like them simply because of that easiness.
3. Heroes. How do you find them? Do pictures, real life or plain imagination create the man you want every reader to love? Do they come before the plot or after you have the idea for the story?
I freely admit that much of the inspiration for my heroes does come from pictures, or some form of popular culture, whether it be books (fiction or non), TV shows (so many these days set in my favorite eras/places!), and other places like social media, of course. I won’t deny having favorite actors and models who resemble the hero I am writing at the time.
Generally, I tend to picture my hero and start the questions. Who’s he? Where did he come from? Invariably, one of the myriad plot ideas stored on a bazillion spreadsheets will sort of align itself with him.
4. Heroines. How do you find them? Do pictures, real life or imagination create the woman you want the reader to root for? Do they appear before the plot or after you have the idea for the story?
Very similar to finding heroes, frankly. And sometimes she pops up first, actually, more often than not. And she tends to raise even more questions, because my heroines often end up in situations not exactly advantageous to them, in many ways. How they deal with their particular situation changes of course, but there is a commonality of strength in every one of them.
5. Villains or villainesses or an antagonist, since they don’t always have to be the bad guy or girl. They can be a person opposed to the hero’s or heroine’s obtaining their goal. How do you choose one? How do you make them human?
I like watching a particularly vile villain get his comeuppance in movies, etc., just like everyone else. In making them human, I give them the opposite of the hero/heroine. They are greedy, narcissistic, and view others as either beneath their “station,” or simply there to serve them. (They still exist today – we’ve all encountered a “Karen” in the wild!). Their selfishness makes them foolish. And while the reality of today’s world is often as unbelievable as fiction, at least in my worlds, they can pay for that foolishness.
6. What is your latest release? Who is the hero, heroine and or the villain?
“Graeme,” part of the Vikings! Anthology released this summer. This was a fun collaborative project that involved several authors creating a singular shared world, where the characters of each story often interacted and was part of all of the other stories. (*warning – many of the tales involve elements of kink and domestic discipline) But ultimately, it was about a village on the verge of being utterly demolished by their enemies. Their only chance to save their village and their lives was to make a bargain with invading Vikings, who, in turn are intrigued by the chance to possibly improve their lot with the land involved. And of course, women, right?
I am in some amazing company, with Emmanuelle de Maupassant, Ashe Barker, Sky Purington, Felicity Brandon and more! Vikings! has consistently been an international Best-Selling Viking Romance since it released in July.
7. What are you working on now?
I am working on a couple of things. First is the fifth book in The Norsemen Sagas. I’m still futzing around with the title, it’ll come to me eventually. This is another one with some interesting twists that popped up right from the start.
I also have begun work on the beginnings of the fifth book in The Magiste Chronicles, this one also set in 13th century – in what eventually becomes Louisiana. Before Columbus sailed the ocean blue. Think Harry Potter meets Fifty Shades of Grey in New Orleans!
8. How can people find you?
Everywhere! Here are my links:
Twitter: or @Gianna_Simone
Gianna Simone,
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