Day 1
1. What were you in your life before you became a writer? Did this influence your writing? I graduated with a degree in clothing and textiles, fashion merchandising and worked for a large department store chain for several years. I loved that job! Then I worked for several other companies, married, kids and stayed home with them, occasionally working part time jobs, and volunteering like a madwoman. I’ve always been a huge huge huge reader. Even at a young age, I preferred mysteries, and then in my teens, my mom introduced me to Emilie Loring romances. When most authors are asked how they became writers, they usually say they are a big reader. Me, too.
2. Are you genre specific or general? Why? I don't mean genres like romance, mystery, fantasy etc. There are many subgenres of the above. With my first romantic comedy mystery, I had a hard time figuring out where it belonged—not romantic suspense, not women’s fiction. Mostly contemporary romance with humor. When the chick-lit market dived, I had a hard time getting someone to publish it; so I pushed the book aside and turned to writing short stories. Readers began telling me how funny they are and saying my work fell into the romantic comedy genre, and because my books have a touch of mystery, I got romantic comedy mystery.
3. Did your reading choices have anything to do with your choice of a genre or genres? Like a lot of young readers, my journey began with the Bobbsey Twins, Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden, Agatha Christie, Mary Stewart. As much as I liked the mystery in my reading, I liked the romance too. I do read other books, like historical romance. And have read a wide variety of books for book club.
4. What's your latest release? On June 1, my romantic comedy short story, “Raving Beauty,” part of the Just You and Me boxed set, will be released. It’s a fun look at a reluctant beauty queen and the childhood friend who wants to win her heart.
5. What are you working on now? I’m working on Temporarily Out of Luck, the third book in the Hattie Cooks romantic comedy mystery series and a holiday story, “Christmas Romeo.”
6. Where can we find you? Website: Facebook: Twitter: Pinterest:
Goodreads: Author Central:
LinkedIn: Plotting Princesses:
Sisterhood of Suspense: Email:
Friday, March 31, 2017
Thursday, March 30, 2017
Thuesday's Second Chapter featuring Heart Throb #MFRWauthor #medical #romance
Eric Damon Blair III surveyed his new living space and grinned. Though the
condo was mostly unfurnished, he was pleased with the place he’d bought last
week. In the living room, he’d created a nest of pillows on the thick dark blue
carpet. Perfect place for making love.
He strode into the bedroom where the most important pieces of furniture had been delivered. The king-sized bed was ready for the kind of action he enjoyed.
He turned to scan the living area. One nice feature of the unit was the bar between the kitchen and dining room. A couple of bar stools and he could eat there until he found a table and chairs.
Once he knew his way around town and found some willing helpers, he would buy furniture. He conjured images of the women he would find. A sleek blonde. A ravishing redhead. A sultry brunette. All he had to do was meet them, but that had never been a problem.
No strings. No commitments. He had no intention of following his parents’ examples. He’d lost count of the number of step-mamas and papas his parents had brought into his life. No marriage meant no divorce.
He flipped the cover of his cell phone and tapped his cousin’s number. Better give her the news of his purchase before she called the police and the area hospitals looking
for him. "Linda, what’s up?"
"Eric, where are you?"
"It’s Damon. Eric is my father and our grandfather."
She laughed. "Forgot the name change. You’re late. What happened? Traffic? An accident? Were you hurt?"
"None of the above."
"Then where are you? Expected you two hours ago."
"In town. Had a bit of luck." He settled against the headboard of the bed. "Found my own place."
"But you were staying with us while you looked for a house. I have plans."
He rolled his eyes. He was sure she had a dozen schemes to match him with some marriage-seeking friend. He had no intention of camping in his cousin’s guest room. Watching a nesting mom-to-be and a proud daddy-in-waiting wasn’t a scene he wished to face. "Sorry. Ran into the brother of a patient who wanted to sell his condo. Had the money from the trust. Place is great. Once I’m settled, I’ll throw a party."
"You are coming to dinner tonight, aren’t you?"
"There’s this woman I want you to meet. Ben and I invited her over. You’ll like her. She’s --"
"Forget your schemes." Damon groaned. Just like he’d figured. "What is it with you happily-marrieds? Can’t stand to see anyone free? I don’t need help to find women. That’s plural. Don’t want a permanent attachment."
She laughed. "Neither does my friend. That’s why I thought you two were a perfect match."
"Thanks for thinking of me. I’ll pass and find my own. Talk to you later. I’m off to unpack the car."
"When will we see you?"
"If something doesn’t come up, I’ll drop by tomorrow or Sunday. Unless ... you get the idea."
"What could come up? You’re new in town."
He chuckled. "You’d be surprised. Sometimes being the new kid can have amazing results. Gives the ladies a new body to explore."
"You’re impossible."
"But lovable. Ciao."
Damon rose from the bed and headed to the door. Now to unpack the sound system. Then shower, shave, change and hit the local watering holes. Fridays were always good social nights at the bars. Surely he’d find more interesting company than an unattached female who needed friends to find her a date. Even if she didn’t admit to being part of the husband-hunting set, he’d seldom met a woman who didn’t turn huntress when she learned he was a doctor.
He strode into the bedroom where the most important pieces of furniture had been delivered. The king-sized bed was ready for the kind of action he enjoyed.
He turned to scan the living area. One nice feature of the unit was the bar between the kitchen and dining room. A couple of bar stools and he could eat there until he found a table and chairs.
Once he knew his way around town and found some willing helpers, he would buy furniture. He conjured images of the women he would find. A sleek blonde. A ravishing redhead. A sultry brunette. All he had to do was meet them, but that had never been a problem.
No strings. No commitments. He had no intention of following his parents’ examples. He’d lost count of the number of step-mamas and papas his parents had brought into his life. No marriage meant no divorce.
He flipped the cover of his cell phone and tapped his cousin’s number. Better give her the news of his purchase before she called the police and the area hospitals looking
for him. "Linda, what’s up?"
"Eric, where are you?"
"It’s Damon. Eric is my father and our grandfather."
She laughed. "Forgot the name change. You’re late. What happened? Traffic? An accident? Were you hurt?"
"None of the above."
"Then where are you? Expected you two hours ago."
"In town. Had a bit of luck." He settled against the headboard of the bed. "Found my own place."
"But you were staying with us while you looked for a house. I have plans."
He rolled his eyes. He was sure she had a dozen schemes to match him with some marriage-seeking friend. He had no intention of camping in his cousin’s guest room. Watching a nesting mom-to-be and a proud daddy-in-waiting wasn’t a scene he wished to face. "Sorry. Ran into the brother of a patient who wanted to sell his condo. Had the money from the trust. Place is great. Once I’m settled, I’ll throw a party."
"You are coming to dinner tonight, aren’t you?"
"There’s this woman I want you to meet. Ben and I invited her over. You’ll like her. She’s --"
"Forget your schemes." Damon groaned. Just like he’d figured. "What is it with you happily-marrieds? Can’t stand to see anyone free? I don’t need help to find women. That’s plural. Don’t want a permanent attachment."
She laughed. "Neither does my friend. That’s why I thought you two were a perfect match."
"Thanks for thinking of me. I’ll pass and find my own. Talk to you later. I’m off to unpack the car."
"When will we see you?"
"If something doesn’t come up, I’ll drop by tomorrow or Sunday. Unless ... you get the idea."
"What could come up? You’re new in town."
He chuckled. "You’d be surprised. Sometimes being the new kid can have amazing results. Gives the ladies a new body to explore."
"You’re impossible."
"But lovable. Ciao."
Damon rose from the bed and headed to the door. Now to unpack the sound system. Then shower, shave, change and hit the local watering holes. Fridays were always good social nights at the bars. Surely he’d find more interesting company than an unattached female who needed friends to find her a date. Even if she didn’t admit to being part of the husband-hunting set, he’d seldom met a woman who didn’t turn huntress when she learned he was a doctor.
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Wednesday's Writer's Tip - Writing ABC - Z is for zeal #MFRWauthor #Writing #Zeal
Finally reached Z and this was another struggle until I hit upon Zeal. Every writer has to have this when they're starting, finishing or revising a story. With out that bit of excitement, the book slows to a halt. It's the enthusiasm you bring to your story that makes the journey worthwhile.
I've known writers who have lost this quality. The reasons are many. Poor health that keeps the writer from the computer. Not having sales of their stories. Receiving a poor review can slow a writer down.
What a writer must do is find that zeal. One of my ways is to look at each story as a new adventure. When I write the end, the story I send off is done and so am I - with that story. What happens to is is up to the gods of writing. The new story is the all.
I've known writers who have lost this quality. The reasons are many. Poor health that keeps the writer from the computer. Not having sales of their stories. Receiving a poor review can slow a writer down.
What a writer must do is find that zeal. One of my ways is to look at each story as a new adventure. When I write the end, the story I send off is done and so am I - with that story. What happens to is is up to the gods of writing. The new story is the all.
Writer's tip,
Writing ABC,
Z is for Zeal
Tuesday, March 28, 2017
Tuesday - The Writer's Life - Where to Publish #MFRWauthor #Where #Publish
and you're ready for the next level of the writer's life. Deciding where you want to publish. There are a number of options these days and each of them has pluses and minuses.
You could aim for a major publisher. They give advances, editors, and cover artists. You will also have to earn back the advance before you receive any royalties. Finding one to take your book can be difficult. To interest one of these publishers, you will need an agent. Finding an agent can be as difficult as finding a publisher. There are letters to write showing your mss in the best light. Or you could meet an editor at a conference and have her ask to see your story. This doesn't mean she will buy but it is a way into the door.
You could look at a small publisher. They seldom give advances, they may or may not have good editors and also the same for cover artists. They will give you a greater percentage of the sales of your book and this can add up to a good payout. But here your book may not be seen by a multitude and you will have to do promotion.
You could self publish your book. This means either knowing how to do many things or having to pay people to do this for you. There is formatting for the different venues. There is editing. Every book does need editing. There are things missed those spelling glitches where the word is spelled right but is not the right word. You'll need to find a cover artist. The real plus is you will receive all the royalties on the book beyond what the seller takes.
There is also vanity publishing. Do not even consider this.
You could aim for a major publisher. They give advances, editors, and cover artists. You will also have to earn back the advance before you receive any royalties. Finding one to take your book can be difficult. To interest one of these publishers, you will need an agent. Finding an agent can be as difficult as finding a publisher. There are letters to write showing your mss in the best light. Or you could meet an editor at a conference and have her ask to see your story. This doesn't mean she will buy but it is a way into the door.
You could look at a small publisher. They seldom give advances, they may or may not have good editors and also the same for cover artists. They will give you a greater percentage of the sales of your book and this can add up to a good payout. But here your book may not be seen by a multitude and you will have to do promotion.
You could self publish your book. This means either knowing how to do many things or having to pay people to do this for you. There is formatting for the different venues. There is editing. Every book does need editing. There are things missed those spelling glitches where the word is spelled right but is not the right word. You'll need to find a cover artist. The real plus is you will receive all the royalties on the book beyond what the seller takes.
There is also vanity publishing. Do not even consider this.
Monday, March 27, 2017
Meandering On Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWauthor #Poetry #New Release #Writing
Meander 1 - Poem - Growing Love
Growing love that covers all.
Men and women are my kin.
Cannot reach them all in holding
But i can touch a few.
Hoping that as rippling waves
Love will spread over all.
Meander 2 - New Release - The Cancer Capricorn Connection is life. Enjoyed writing this book and will enjoy watching the book sell. The characters have a touch of me and the touch of another, once a friend but no longer. They face problems since he rode away on his motorcycle before he learns he is to be a father. Years later they end up at the same hospital where she's a nurse and he's a doctor. She must learn to trust him and he must convince her he still loves her.
Meander 3 - Writing. Am typing the last few pages of Past Betrayals, Past Loves a reincarnation novel. Will soon have it ready to send to BWL. Then I'll be doing tidying chores and also revising ten books to send to BWL. What fun that will be. Some will have to be brought up to date. I must order paper and ink cartridges so the work can continue.
Janet Lane Walters,
Meandering on Monday,
New Release,
Sunday, March 26, 2017
Sunday's Book - Heart Throb #MFRWauthor #Medical #Romance

Magda Malone likes men and has no desire to marry. She’s been there, done that and got burned. She’s happy with her position as coordinator of the cardiac unit at the hospital. A new neighbor promises many nights of steamy sex. Damon also has no desire for marriage. He had too many steps as a child and sees marriage as a serial sort of game. He doesn’t want to play. When Magda learns he’s a cardiologist, she blows him off. The problem is Damon has fallen in love and he must convince Magda there’s more between them than sex.
This was the first book I've read by Janet Lane Walters, but it definitely won't be my last. As you can see the cover is eye-catching and the story did not disappoint. Heart Throbs is steamy, exciting, enjoyable and entertaining. .
This was the first book I've read by Janet Lane Walters, but it definitely won't be my last. As you can see the cover is eye-catching and the story did not disappoint. Heart Throbs is steamy, exciting, enjoyable and entertaining. .
ByCheryl Wrighton January 8, 2017
This story took me by surprise because there was a lot of sex. A LOT of sex, truly.
I don't generally read books that I would class as erotic, because it's not my cup of tea, but this book was different. The storyline hinged around the sex. Sounds weird I know, but you have to read the book to understand.
There were a few parts I found predictable, but on the whole I was surprised.
The characters were very well developed, and I found them very likeable. Damon did a few stupid things, but I guess I can forgive him of that.
I don't generally read books that I would class as erotic, because it's not my cup of tea, but this book was different. The storyline hinged around the sex. Sounds weird I know, but you have to read the book to understand.
There were a few parts I found predictable, but on the whole I was surprised.
The characters were very well developed, and I found them very likeable. Damon did a few stupid things, but I guess I can forgive him of that.
Byashley mansfieldon October 7, 2015
I did not really care for this book at all. It wasn't so bad at first but the ending came across as not something that would happen in real life.
ByL R Dinsdale "Rae"on January 30, 2013
This is a hot and fast story that had me wanting to met a guy like that and be as bold as her. She was amazing in her prowlessness and made her way known, he was all for it and added to the delight of the story. great read!!!
BySheiglaghon January 18, 2012
This book totally surprised me. I was expecting the usual boy meets girl, they fall in love and then spend time in the bedroom. But from the first chapter until the end, Magda and Damon are more often than not, in their birthday suit.
The surprise is that instead of something salacious, "Heart Throb" turned out to be a beautiful love story about two people who are afraid to fall in love but found themselves falling in love anyway. And yes, the sex scenes sizzle, but somehow, I cannot call this book erotica. There is something sweet and lovable about Magda and Damon that spending time under the sheets is a natural progression of things.
But, don't even think for one moment that this is PG 13. It is definitely Rated R. In fact, while I was reading the book, I had to check the product description if it was under Erotica. It is under Contemporary Romance. And you know what, Amazon classified it correctly!
The surprise is that instead of something salacious, "Heart Throb" turned out to be a beautiful love story about two people who are afraid to fall in love but found themselves falling in love anyway. And yes, the sex scenes sizzle, but somehow, I cannot call this book erotica. There is something sweet and lovable about Magda and Damon that spending time under the sheets is a natural progression of things.
But, don't even think for one moment that this is PG 13. It is definitely Rated R. In fact, while I was reading the book, I had to check the product description if it was under Erotica. It is under Contemporary Romance. And you know what, Amazon classified it correctly!
Saturday, March 25, 2017
Saturday's Blurbs Featuring Books by Robin Deeter #MFRWauthor #Westernromance #Historical
Mail Order Mystery: Chance City Book One (Sensual Western Historical Romance)
Leigh Hawthorne, a widow and local farmer in Beckham, Massachusetts, answers an unusual letter from former Pinkerton detective, Cyrus Decker, who wants to marry a woman with ranching expertise. Cy hopes that Leigh is the answer to his prayers. Brought together by necessity, will Leigh and Cy find love or will their romance meet with disaster? Join the Chance City adventure as its citizens battle opposing forces and mayhem in their searches for love and a brighter future.
On the Fence; Chance City Series Book Two (Sensual Western Historical Romance)
Daphne Decker has made no bones about her interest in Deputy Brock Guthrie, but the situation is complicated. Can he get past his hatred of Indians and accept Daphne for the woman she is within instead of seeing only her Comanche heritage? Will he take a chance and come down from the fence he sits on or will he turn away from the possibility of a life time of happiness with Daphne?
Sacrifice & Reward: The Paha Sapa Saga Book One (Sensual Native American Romance)
Mid-18th century North America is a hotbed of unrest between many Native American tribes, who are feuding over territory. By this time, most of the Kiowa bands have been pushed west by the Lakota, who are on the move southward from the Great Lakes region. These invaders from the north want the game-rich, lush pasture lands of the territory for themselves.
However, one small Kiowa band is determined to remain in their early homelands in the region of what will one day be known as eastern South Dakota. These two enemy tribes are brought face-to-face through the vision of a young Kiowa medicine man.
Sky Dancer, a beautiful, Kiowa widow, and proud a Lakota warrior, Dark Horse, are forced to marry in order to create an alliance between their peoples. Right from the beginning they clash in a tests of wills, loathing each other on sight, making a happy marriage seem out of the question.
Will the sacrifice that is asked of them save their tribes? Can these two enemies overcome their initial hatred to find love in unlikely place or will distrust keep them from the reward they both crave?
Friday, March 24, 2017
Friday's Guest featuring Robin Deeter - Who She Was Before #MFRWauthor
1. What were you in your life before you became a writer? Did this influence your writing?
I worked all sorts of jobs. Head of a hotel laundry room, Karaoke and radio DJ, medical appointment scheduler. The biggest influence they had on my writing is that I knew that I didn't want to keep doing them, so it pushed me to become serious about turning my passion into a career.
2 Are you genre specific or general? Why? I don't mean genres like romance, mystery, fantasy etc. There are many subgenres of the above.
I started out writing Western Historical fiction, mainly mail order bride stories, but I've moved away from that somewhat. I still write Western Historical stories, but I'm branching out into other romance genres, such as timeswept and contemporary paranormal. I want to try my hand at all sorts of stuff and not get boxed in to just one sub-genre.
3. Did your reading choices have anything to do with your choice of a genre or genres?
I grew up reading romance books, so I guess it did. Although, I also love horror and do have plans to write some horror stories later on. My stories do have some darker elements to them, which I've been told is unusual for Western Historical romance. I guess that's the horror writer coming out in me.
4. What's your latest release?
And the Lightning Strikes: Chance City Series, Book 6 was my last release and I had such a wonderful time writing it.
5. What are you working on now?
Right now I'm in the middle of writing the third book in my Paha Sapa Saga series. I haven't titled it yet, though. I plan on launching that later in March.
6. Where can we find you?
My website is, Western Romance Author Robin Deeter is
I'm also on Facebook, Twitter,Instagram, Pinterest, and I have a Youtube Channel, too.
Robin Deeter,
Who She Was before
Thursday, March 23, 2017
Thursday'sSecond Scene - The Doctor's Dilemma #MFRWauthor #Medical #romance
Neal McKay put the
last suture in the jagged cut on his patient’s calf. He stripped off his gloves
and stepped back from the table. He glanced at the clock. Nearly three PM. He
should have been home an hour ago, but the day hadn’t gone as planned. As the
only doctor in town, this was the norm.
As usual, his day
off had been filled with emergencies. A fractured tibia, a case of congestive
heart failure, an acute allergy attack and now this.
They…his wards…should
be at the house. He groaned and felt no more prepared for parenthood than he’d
been the day he’d learned about his foster sister’s death…a week after her
funeral. Even if he’d known, he wouldn’t have been able to leave his patients
to attend the service.
He groaned. The
thought of being responsible for the twins’ care brought waves of insecurity.
None of his experiences in the past had prepared him for this day.
“Do you want to do
the dressing?”
Neal looked at the
red-haired nurse. “He’s all yours.”
“Thanks, buddy. I
owe you one.” Jack Gardner glared.
“If you’re talking
about the patch job, just doing my thing.” Jack’s reaction made Neal chuckle.
In college, they’d spent hours one-upping each other. He missed the days when
they’d been like brothers.
Jack raised an
eyebrow. “Is there a problem you need solved?”
“You might say
“I’m not sure I’m
“I don’t know
about that.” Neal watched Patty Sue Crawford’s gaze center on his friend. He
grinned. Maybe Todday was the turning point. Since his arrival in Prairie ten
months before, she’d pursued him like a wrangler after a runaway steer.
“Can I go back to
the ranch?’ Jack asked.
Neal frowned.
“Only if you promise to avoid horses and cattle until the stitches are out.”
“How long?”
“A week.”
“I can do that.”
Neal doubted the
truth of the statement. Since Jack’s return to the ranch last month, he seemed
bent on proving he was Cowboy of the Year.
“I’d rather admit
you for the night. Give you some intravenous antibiotics and injections for
pain. Once the local wears off, you’re going to know you’ve been hurt.”
Jack slid to the
edge of the table. “No hospital. What if I stay at my grandmother’s?”
“Might work,
especially after I tell Miss Hattie to tie you to the bed. Your injury is
nothing to take lightly.”
Jack laughed.
“Grandmother will see that I obey orders. She should have been a general. You
coming to the barbecue Saturday?”
“I wouldn’t miss
it,” Patty Sue said.
Jack looked away.
“Honey, your presence is a given. I meant Doc here.”
Neal shrugged.
“I’ll see how things go. My wards arrive Todday. I’ll probably be too busy
learning how to be a daddy.”
“I can’t imagine
you with a pair of doggies.”
Neither could
Neal, but he wasn’t about to admit it. “I don’t have a choice.”
“Guess not. I kind
of envy you. You’ve achieved fatherhood without the M word.” Jack chuckled.
“Bring the doggies with you. The ladies will love them.” He shook his head.
“Never thought you would be saddled with kids. They’ll make big changes in your
Patty Sue opened a
dressing kit. “I think Neal…Dr. McKay will be a wonderful father.”
How did she manage
to make a deliberate slip of the tongue seem natural? “Thank you, Ms. Crawford. See that Jack has a
copy of the discharge instructions and make an appointment for Friday.” He
waved to Jack. “I’ll call the prescriptions to the pharmacy and have them
delivered to Miss Hattie’s.”
“See you and the
doggies Saturday,” Jack called. “I’m sure Grandmother expects to see you
Neal nodded. He
would be at the barbecue with the twins or Miss Hattie would come for him. The
town’s matriarch was used to having her way.
He strode down the
hall to his office. Parties at the Gardner
mansion were events to be experienced, but he wasn’t sure he could handle an
evening of listening to the benefits of life in Prairie.
He had to go…home.
But there were things he had to complete before he left. He welcomed the delay
in facing this new responsibility and sat at his desk to phone the drugstore
and write a note on Jack’s chart.
Home -- the
twins -- his legacy. He groaned. Jack was right.
Two babies would
force changes in his lifestyle that he wasn’t ready to make. He wasn’t even
sure where to begin.
Instead of heading
home, he reached for a stack of letters he’d received in response to his
queries about another temporary position. The time to move had come. A year
was long enough to stay in one place.
But he had a
family now. His choice of where to head next had to include them. How could he make a home for the twins? He’d been raised as a foster child in a
series of placements. A football scholarship had allowed him to escape the last
foster home where he’d endured three years of being treated as an outsider. He
slammed up barriers against the memories of those days.
Those memories
brought no answers to his current dilemma. His lifestyle didn’t lend itself to
an instant family. The longest he’d stayed in one place had been the four years
in college and the same amount in medical school. Every time he considered
staying in one place, his anxiety level peaked.
He shoved the
letters in a drawer and left the office. He’d do his best for Sherri’s babies
but he couldn’t promise them a stable life and a real family. With this thought
firmly in place, he left the clinic and jogged down the street toward his
rented house to face his foster sister’s attempt to turn him into a family man.
Second Scene,
The Doctor's Dilemma,
Wednesday, March 22, 2017
Wednesday's Writer's Tip - Writing ABC - Y is for Yesterday
The end of the alphabet has been fun finding what to post but Y is for Yesterday. All your characters have pasts. What happened to them in the years before the story happens has an effect on the present in the story. Yesterday can refer to what happened the day or days before the story begins and this is part of the characters pasts. Yesterday can refer to where they were born, when they came into existance and all that happened to them in their growing years. Now you may not want to start your story with the character's birth and upbringing but you must understand their pasts to write about the present and to look to the future. Now you may not want to write all these things but you should have ways to hint about what the yesterdays had to do with what they are today.
Maybe your character was rich or poor. These things have something to do what they have become. They may be educated or not. Also this will play in the character's development. Discovering the yesterdays of your characters will make for a stronger story. So think about the yesterdays of your characters and feed this inot the way they act and react to incidents in their present.
Maybe your character was rich or poor. These things have something to do what they have become. They may be educated or not. Also this will play in the character's development. Discovering the yesterdays of your characters will make for a stronger story. So think about the yesterdays of your characters and feed this inot the way they act and react to incidents in their present.
Writer's tip,
Writing ABC,
Y is for Yesterday
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
Tuesday - The Writer's Life - Endings #MFRWauthor #Writing
Once you're made your way through the snarled middle, you're nearing the end. There are things you'll need to be sure have happened before you can write those words - The End. Has one or more of the main characters had a Black Moment? Has he or she given up or have they found a way to find the way to a new manner of approaching their goal. Have they achieved the goal and how has the goal changed during the journey? Perhaps they just wanted to be married. Then they've found a special person. Have all the hurdles been leaped? Another thing to make sure has happened. Are all the loose ends tied up? Remember if you mention something in the opening of the story this has to be solved in the end. Why did the heroine's mother-in-law give her a boy's set of clothes and hinted to why she had them? If that end is left dangling the reader may just frown or perhaps they will want to know what happened. Is the ending of the book satisfactory? There doesn't have to be a happy ending but the ending must be enough to make the reader nod and smile.
So you've reached the end of the adventure of your characters, but your job isn't done yet.
Monday, March 20, 2017
Meandering On Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWauthor #Poem #Accidents #Writing
Meander 1 - Poem - Summer's Ending
Summertime is nearly gone.
The lazt freedom days are passing.
The greening, growing, fertile time of year
Is coming to an end.
Will we manage to retain
The sense of freedom flowing?
Or will the changing season
Put an end to all the growing?
Meander 2 _ Accident aftermath. _I slammed my hand into the open trunk when I slipped on the ice. At first I felt nothing. Then I pulled off my glove and the hand was swollen really big. Went to the emergency room at the local hospital. Gave me an ice pack and a splint and sling. I was good and used them on Thursday and Friday but today I had to take them off. The splint was lined with some kind of batting that made myhand hot. The swelling is much better and I can use the hand for many more things today except for carrying heavy items.
Meander 3 - Writing - The Cancer Capricorn Connection went off to the editor and one of these days will hit the press and benpublished. Now that my hand is functioning again, I can finish Past Betrayals, Past Loves. Then those 33 or 34 books that need updated will happen and I can get back to writing new material.
Summertime is nearly gone.
The lazt freedom days are passing.
The greening, growing, fertile time of year
Is coming to an end.
Will we manage to retain
The sense of freedom flowing?
Or will the changing season
Put an end to all the growing?
Meander 2 _ Accident aftermath. _I slammed my hand into the open trunk when I slipped on the ice. At first I felt nothing. Then I pulled off my glove and the hand was swollen really big. Went to the emergency room at the local hospital. Gave me an ice pack and a splint and sling. I was good and used them on Thursday and Friday but today I had to take them off. The splint was lined with some kind of batting that made myhand hot. The swelling is much better and I can use the hand for many more things today except for carrying heavy items.
Meander 3 - Writing - The Cancer Capricorn Connection went off to the editor and one of these days will hit the press and benpublished. Now that my hand is functioning again, I can finish Past Betrayals, Past Loves. Then those 33 or 34 books that need updated will happen and I can get back to writing new material.
Sunday, March 19, 2017
Sunday's Book - The Doctor's Dilemma #MFRWauthor #romance #medical

Take one doctor who’s made a career of temporary positions and avoiding commitment. Add a nurse who dreams of security and a settled life. Stir in infant twins bequeathed to him by his dead foster sister. Pour them into a small Texas town that wants the doctor to stay. To Dr. Neal McKay, it’s a prescription for a dilemma.
Customer Reviews
ByAmazon Customeron July 16, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I've always found medical romances fairly predictable. This one is not. When Nora Harte agrees to take orphaned twins to their guardian she doesn't expect the conflict of emotions the task creates, from developing a connection with the babies and an even stronger one with Dr. Neal McKay. Having moved many times as a child I understood Nora's yearning to settle down in one place, and also Neal's compulsion to keep moving. How these two sort out their differences makes for a very satisfying read.
ByLisa Rumseyon September 23, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Loved it!outstanding book
ByNikki Hartmanon July 14, 2016
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
Good read! I will be reading it again.
ByCarol Buttion January 31, 2015
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
ByC. Del Valleon April 19, 2013
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
This was a very nice story, however it was a little predictable. Overall an enjoyable story and I would recommend reading it.
ByAmazon Customeron March 22, 2015
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
Cute story. Could have been a bit longer but very cute!
ByRad-Readeron September 9, 2012
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
This was a really fun read. The main characters wear believable, endearing, vulnerable & loving. The supporting characters were funny, nosy, busy bodies & totally in your face but in a loving way. Once again this is fiction if an author were to research every single thing that they said/wrote in passing no book would ever be published they would all be in school learning the correct procedures. Holy cow people. FICTION! Remember creative licensing. Enough said. All in all a cute storyline with solid characters.Comment
ByM.V.on May 7, 2014
Format: Kindle Edition|Verified Purchase
I enjoyed this book but just had a hard time with the male character. He was a rolling stone and always moving yet he fell in love with these babies right away. It was at odds to me a little. Other than that it was a nice story.
Janet Lane Walters,
The Doctor's Dilema
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