Friday, March 13, 2020

Friday Alice Renaud is Visiting and Talking about Who She Was Before #MFRWAuthor #Writing #Paranormal

1. What were you before you became an author? Did this influence your choices as a writer?

I was and still am a compliance officer for a pharmaceutical company. Before that I worked in a variety of finance roles in a variety of industries. I write fantasy and paranormal romance so I can’t say my daily work life influences my writing directly… but it certainly has given me plenty of ideas for fun blog posts and occasionally for characters. I like to give my villains the names of people I don’t like!

2.   Are you genre specific or general? I don’t mean major genres but subdivisions or romance, mystery or paranormal.

I write paranormal and fantasy romance, because I’m a fluffy romantic at heart and fantasy was and remains my first love. It is reading The Lord of the Rings aged 12 that made me want to become a writer. I also occasionally write short stories for magazines, those are contemporary romance or family-themed stories.

3. What is your latest release?

Music for a Merman, book 2 in the Sea of Love series, is out now. The Sea of Love series was a winner in the Paranormal Romance Guild Reviewer’s Choice Award 2019. The books can be read independently as each novel is standalone. Music for a Merman is a forbidden love story between a shape shifting merman who is also a policeman, and a sexy eco-warrior.

4. What are you working on now?

Mermaids Marry in Green, book 3 in the Sea of Love series, has just been accepted by my publisher and will be out later this year. I am now starting the first book in a new series, Conjuring Love, about time travelling witches and warlocks.

5. Do your reading choices influence your choice of a writing career?

I love fantasy. I have just discovered the books of Robin Hobb, and am devouring her Farseer Trilogy. I’ve already bought the first book in the following series, the Liveship Traders. I look forward to reading a story set on a ship! The ocean plays a very important part in my Sea of Love novels. I also read contemporary and historical books, the next book on my To Be Read list is The Husband’s Secret by Liane Moriarty.

6. Where can we find you? 



Gibby Campbell said...

This was interesting to read. I love Alice's books.

Alice said...

Thank you Gibby! Thank you Janet for hosting me.

Ric said...

Lovely interview, It is always nice to find out a bit more about Alice. I love her fantasy stories. The only problem with finishing one is you have to wait for the next. love her writing can't wait for her next story.

Estelle said...

Great interview. I've got one of Alice's books in my Kindle library, so this was a great way to get to know the author behind the book.

Suzanne said...

Great interview Alice. I love that you name your villains after people you don’t like. Lol. Totally adore the Sea Of Love series.

Alice said...

Thank you Ric, Estelle and Suzanne!

Carol Schoenig said...

I'm a little late to seeing this. Great interview, Alice. I've not really read a fantasy/paranormal novel until I picked up the A Merman's Choice. Delightful!


Alice said...

Thank you Carol!