Monday, March 16, 2020

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWAuthor #BWLAuthor #Reading #Home confinement #Writing

Meander 1 - Reading __ I've been re-reading Joan Hall Hovey's suspenseful stories. I am awed by her ability to cause chills walking my spine. She really has the suspense element down and sometimes they border on horror. Not really but she has managed to produce the same fear in her characters. Reviews will be written someday. Also reading something from a new writer and offering a detailed critique. This is also interesting to do.

Meander 2 - Being Homebound - sort of. I'm not really forced to stay at home but with this coronovirus running amok, at my age, I feel staying away from crowds is important. Fortunately, I have more than a thousand books on my Kindle and am working on a new book. That should keep me bus. There is the process of getting ready to move myself downstairs to what was my study and was used as a bedroom for my husband. Will be hard to get used to working in my new old space but I will be able to do this with little problem.

Meander 3 - Writing - Working hard on the plot draft which means making sure I have the time line down. The story is progressing. As I'm working on this draft, I also find places where a new scene needs to be added and also where I can expand or subtract a scene already written. This draft is one that leads me from the beginning through the middle to the end.

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