Friday, December 29, 2023

Three Books by Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #romance #fantasy #medical suspense #eomance


The article passed around the table on a hot August night. “Five to ten percent of the nation’s doctors are so impaired or incompetent they cannot or should not practice medicine.” The nurses at Bradley Memorial thought they had them all. That night they formed a group they called The Committee of Angels.

Nearly a year has passed and Laura Bancroft wonders why little has been done to change things. She also wonders about some of the nurses fitting the pattern. Laura has three doctors on her list of incompetents. She seldom meets with the other members and several of the others are upset with her. When her ex-husband joins the medical staff, she realizes she still has feelings for him. One of her list of doctors dies after emergency surgery and Laura finds her suspected since she was assigned to the doctor. She must deal with suspicions, her feelings for her ex. Then a second on her list commits suicide and speaks of blackmail.

Can Laura learn the truth of who is responsible before she faces arrest?

Reviewed in the United States on June 4, 2022

Book Review: Committee of Angels by Janet Lane Walters

1st sentence: Laura scurried down the hospital corridor, feeling like the White Rabbit.

Murder and mayhem with doctors and nurses spike a nicely paced ‘who dunnit.’ Ms. Walters pens the most intriguing characters, and this story pacts a punch bowl full of them.

Excellent gripping read with a surprise and satisfying ending. Couldn’t put the book down once I started. Highly recommended for anyone who likes mysteries and medical dramas with a nice touch of romance.
INCAL _Book 4 Moon Rising
Return to the world where Midra and Midran rule. The god and goddess have two faces. Midra is Mistress of the Moon and also Mistress of the Dark Moon. Midran is Lord of lLght and Lord of shadows.

In Incal, the priests of Midran have formed three branches. The Voice of Midran in Incal rules over the mall. In the archived he has read of a tale predicting Three will come to return Midra to the rulership. He sends his acknowledged son to find the three and bring them to him.

Many years ago triplet girls were born in a remote mountain town. When they were five, their dying mother sent them to be fostered by three different women. Though they had wed to find each other, their developing talents caused them to forget until twenty ears later each one of them felt the need to find her sisters.

Would the Voice of Midran in Incal learn where they were?


Rachel Lange is a Cancer and a student in a Master’s program in Child Psychology. Her dreams are haunted by an abusive relationship and by an estrangement from her father, her only close relative.

Zach Majors is an attorney and a Libra. His dreams are haunted by his experience in Afghanistan and by the problems of his young sons, one who has nightmares nearly every night. He has come to Fern Lake to try to help his sons grow and to feel safe.

Between Rachel and Zach, the attraction is instant but they each have problems to overcome before they can think about the future. She has formed a rapport with the angriest of Zach’s sons. Together this pair must find peace within themselves and bring healing to their families.


My Places



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