Monday, July 26, 2021

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Reading #Writing #Thoughts

 Meander 1 - Reading - After the flurry of new books I'm back to reading old favorites and filling in the spots of an author I stopped buying in paper. I'm reading Mercedes lakey Vlademar series again and am enjoying visiting old friends.

Meander 2 - Thoughts - On Critiquing - Am reading manuscripts for a contest and am having difficulty in knowing how to let the authors know their word needs help. This can be difficult as there is no give and take between us. I try to read once as a reader and a second time as an editor. The second reading is the one where I can find and point out problems. The first one had character flaws and the second one as far as I can see has no plot. There is one more to go. I can understand how an editor feels when she faces a new manuscript. There's hoping for the wonderful story and there's the let down. I can see why geriatric rejections are sent.

Meander 3 - Writing - Incal is moving forward. Have finished four chapters of the final re-write and there are eight to go. Takes almost a week to do each one but hopefully the finished product will be wonderful. Then I can start something new. There are three scheduled fornext year and I don;t know what they will be.


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