Monday, September 3, 2018

Meandering On Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWauthor #BWLPublishing #Poetry #Writing #Promoting

Meander 1  Poem --

I yearn so for seclusion
A way to shut the stimuli.
I'd like a respite
From the days
And a turning from the nights,
To coffin away those others
"Til I have need of them.

Meander 2 - Meeting - A good Saturday meeting though we do tend to wander around a bit. People are writing, most of us but I worry about one person who is a good writer but has no confidence. That's a shame and I don't know what to do. Good  presentation about Promotion. Hate promoting but it's necessary and I should do more. I will try.

Meander 3 - Writing - Last week was almost a stand still but I did begin a new book but I must finish the one I'm working on and soon. Typing today and every day is a must. Time to stop playing and get to work.



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