Monday, September 24, 2018

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWauthor #BWLPublishing #Poetry #Charity letters #Writing

nder 1 - Poem - Wandering -

I wandered through the streets today,
Just hoping for a glance.
To see your face just dimly
Through the glass of your place of work.
You didn't see me standing.
You didn't know I was there,
Nor did I soothe my yearnings.
They call for more than looks
And even if you can't return
I'll try to understand
My feelings or my hopes.
I'll continue to watch and love you
While afraid to make a move.

Meander 2 - Charity letters - My husband and I donate to 12 charities at the end of the year. The letters start coming in June or July. There are also phone calls to which I politely reply that I will give but once a year and I know when that is. Don't call. Most don't. But they send letters. Last week on two days, I received letters, five of them from the same charity. Don't they understand they are wasting money with these multiple mailings and also the paper used to send them. There are a few I appreciate, mostly local ones who do not bug you all the time and send a thank you note when you contribute, not another begging letter.

Meander 3 - Writing - Am on the last bit of The Virgo Pisces Connection. Last chapter being typed in and will need revised but once that's done, I'll ship it off to the editor. Am doing a bit of work on The Children of Fyre, a fantasy. Then I'll have to start planning for the next round of books to write. Two in the Moon Child series and one fantasy, in the Lines of Fyre trilogy.



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