Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas Greetings and Wishes #MFRWauthor #Poetry

A very Merry Christmas to all. One hopes everyone recieves what they want and perhaps even what they need on this day when we celebrate in honor of the Prince of Peace. I wish we could strive for that goal rather than being divided by hatred, envy and other negative emotions. I'll share this poem written many years ago.

We Are A People

We are a people diversified,
Unified and yet
From underneath we hear a bead,
A strum of even taps
Bordering all the land.

We are a people unique,
Our common bonds are few.
The stories and the songs we sing
Are blended, stirred, become
A chorus crying loud.

We are a people stretching
With timid hands we reach
To send hope to one another.
It is the young and raw land
That gives us birth and is born
We are a people growing,
A children coming of age.

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