Friday, July 14, 2023

A Bit About the Writing of Home Caring #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Home Caring #romance #medical

 When I began Home Caring, I thought if was for a line I'd solda book to. Before I finished the book, the line was cancelled. I put the book aside and stowed the pieces in the file cabinet. When asked for a new nurse/doctor romance, I remembered the partial story. I opened the file cabinet and looked through the pges and pages of material. Finally, I pulled the ones that made the most sense and began to re-weave the story. Some of the changes i amde was lessening the age difference between the hero and heroine. She's still older but not that many years. I changed ehr ex's profession from hospital administrator into a surgeon and gave him a more selfish personality. I also allowed the heroine and her daughter to regain a balance in their relationship. The flavor of the book changed a bit and my Alpha hero became a man though he liked to rearrange other people's lives to do it in a caring way,

My Places



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