Monday, February 27, 2023

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #BWLAuthor #MFRWAuthor #Reading #Writing #Thoughts

 Meander 1 Reading - I've been reading a mix of books. Several rereads of Anne Perry's Monk series. They're fascinating and in re-reading I've learned new things. Read an Ellis Peters suspense. Story good but dragged too much. Am currently reading Two Little Girls in Blue.  Interesting and the read is quick but packed with information.

Meander 2 - Thoughts - The amount of nastiness going on makes em feel ashamed of so many people. These neo creeps should be put behind bars rather than being shown on television. Why do some people hate anyone who is different. People come in a variety and tolerance is needed not hate.The soul of the country is being smudged by all this hatred.

Meander 3 - Writing - Busy trying to type in the chapters. Don't know how chapter two vanished but I'll keep plugging along and get this all in. Have started writing the seciond half of the book once that's done, I can start on doing a second draft. Will need to add about 1000 words per chapter.


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