Monday, February 10, 2020

Meandering on Monday with Janet Lane Walters #MFRWAuthor #BWLAuthor #Poem #Writing

Meander 1 -- Poem Gift From A Husband Post Divorce

The bus depot was dim and Dark, The gift
You sent had just arrived. The gnomish man
With rasp edged voice pointed and made me lift
And lug it to my car. My hands began
To wrestle with the sealing tape and tear
My fingernails. Soon the tape was overthrown
To reveal a giant set of kitchenware
Enough to feed a regiment. I live alone.
Am I in your fantasy chained to stove and
Sink as I never was before? Do you
See me spoon in hand, flashing wedding band,
Stirring giant pots of bubbling stew?
What amde you choose the gift I wanted least.
In honor of the end of our wedding feast?

Meander 2 - Papers, Papers, Papers. --I've been filling out paper after paper since my husband's death. Amazing the number of places that want papers and information. I will say this Social Security is very efficient and has already returned the letter saying how much I will recieve. The state of New York is very different. A phone interview ended with expect papers to fill out and sign arriving in 6 to 8 weeks. There will be no money set until this is complete. The Keogh plan takes less time than all this but of course there is paper work here. Now mI must start with the health insurance tomorrow. If my hair wasn't already gray it would be nwo.

Meander 3 - Writing __ Writing is going slow. Not only does all this paperwork keep me from writing, my hand aches if I use it too much. I'm managing a page a day, so all is not lost.

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