Thursday, November 21, 2019

Thursday Confrontations Affinities Book 4 Excerpt #MFRWAuthor #BWL Author #Fantasy #Advebture #All Ages


The first rays of the morning sun entered the window of the nearly deserted young man’s sleeping chamber of the keep. Zand rolled to his back and pushed a pillow beneath his head. Today his group left for the princedom of Easren. Before they departed he needed to speak to Toran on the twin bond. His brother needed to know the quartets had left the keep and to let Dom Ilvan know of their grandmother’s plans. What better time than now?
Zand, what’s wrong? It’s barely dawn.
Are you still at the lodge?
Where else would I be?
The time has come. Tell Dom Ilvan the last quartet is leaving for Easren to end the rains there.
Loran will be pleased.
The second thing to tell him is this. Grandmother wants the heirs to come to the keep. She and Dragen will meet you here. They will tell you when it’s safe for Loran to go home.
When will I see you again?
Zand heard longing in his brother’s voice. They’d had so little time to learn about each other. He almost wished he could remain at the keep until the heirs arrived. Not possible. We won’t have time together until the four princedoms are freed from the evil of Dom Senet and his power over the elements is gone.
I’ll tell Dom Ilvan and the others. Good luck.
And to you. Zand closed the twin bond. He rose and nudged Donel. “Time to dress. We’ll break our fast and leave.”

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