Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Tuesday's Writer's Tip More on Saving the Plot #MFRWAuthor #BWLPublishing Ltd #Plot

Remember "A plot is just a plan."There are six elements in a story.

 Characters. The plot will revolve around them. These characters have desiers. Things they want. The plot must consider them. The characters have reasons for what they desire. This is one of the driving elements of a plot.  The time goes into weaving the plot. The writer must know if they are writing in the present or the past. Customs vary from age to age. Also the season is important to the plot. The location of the characters. Are they in a city, a small town, a different planet, a fantasy land. All these things will influence.

So taking all these elements the plot is a plan that shows how one or more characters realizes their dream and goes from the beginning to the end. There may be detours along the way but the characters must return to the main road or the plot goes wrong.

Saving a plot means the writer has a good hold and understanding of the elements that drive the characters to reach the end.



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